Whether you’re looking for the latest showjumping news, exclusive interviews with top riders or opinions from influential showjumping names, Horse & Hound’s showjumping hub is the place to be. You can also watch our latest showjumping videos here, get training tips and browse the latest jumping kit and clothing.
Jennifer Donald, showjumping editor | H&H Showjumping on facebook
Showjumping top stories
‘She loves the job and just wants to win’: Scott Brash’s ‘super exciting’ new star lands debut five-star grand prix
Storm Éowyn causes cancellations of equestrian competitions
Ronnie Lee Jones: ‘Why leasing showjumpers is becoming more popular’
An emotional reunion as amateur breeder meets his Olympic legend again, 14 years on
Can we bottle this rider's winning feeling? ‘A moment I’ll never forget’ and 19-year-old horse wins towering six-bar
Does your horse rush when jumping? Tips from an expert to help solve this problem
How to form a fitness plan for your horse
Showjumping opinion from H&H columnists
Joe Trunkfield: ‘Surely our loud appeals for change can’t fall on deaf ears?’
Jodie Hall McAteer: ‘My horses have more stamps in their passports than most people’
Sam Hutton: ‘On arrival, the stables were flooded and everything was under water’
William Funnell: ‘A great advert for how British breeding has moved on’
SJ tack & clothing
Why isn’t King Edward wearing a browband at the Paris Olympics?
Protective tendon boots for jumping and flatwork
16 of the best competition breeches to wear in the saddle this season
Technical stirrups — what’s on the market?
6 pairs of stirrups designed with jumping in mind
Want to look the part out showjumping? Here’s what to wear...
SJ training tips
11 showjumping training tips from three-time Hickstead Derby winner John Ledingham and youth medallist Tabitha Kyle
‘What a year – I’m so proud of the horses we’re producing’: meet a rising star doing all the hard work herself
Only have four pairs of wings, plus poles? 5 great jumping exercises you can try
What makes a great rider? ‘Understanding how to train a horse both mentally and physically,’ says Olympic champion
H&H’s showjumping bloggers
Georgia Tame |
Kirstie Leightley |
Read Georgia’s latest blog | Read Kirstie’s latest blog |
All about showjumping
Showjumping is a sport in which horse and rider combinations most typically follow a set course of jumps leaving them all intact, often in the fastest possible time against the clock.
Showjumping competitions take place for riders of all ages and abilities, from ‘clear round’ competitions over tiny fences for beginners, up to Olympic level competitions over fences up to 1.60m high.
The sport is overseen in the UK by British Showjumping, although there are also local ‘unaffiliated’ competitions that also take place around the country.