What makes a good broodmare – and does your horse have what it takes?
11 supplements formulated to help hormonal mares
‘She looked like a Welsh mountain pony’: 18-year-old broodmare makes winning international comeback
How much does it cost to breed a horse?
Is sport horse breeding on the cusp of a revolution? Meet the Mares of Macha team promoting ‘access proven breeding’
5 broodmares that could boost your breeding programme
‘I’m in love with this colt – his name is Dimaggio’: Alice Oppenheimer on how her family ‘fell’ into breeding
Why equine viral arteritis could cause havoc for UK horse breeders
Equine viral arteritis may be rare in the UK, but we cannot afford to be complacent, warns Karen Coumbe MRCVS
Research finds cause of many failed equine pregnancies
Reintroducing a mare to ridden work after having a foal
When a mare’s maternity leave is over, what’s the best way to reintroduce ridden exercise? Andrea Oakes investigates
The risks of twin foals
Twins remain a rarity in the horse world — with good reason, as Andrea Oakes discovers
‘She was part of the family’: legendary broodmare honoured with H&H award
This fantastic mare has left behind an impressive dynasty of dressage stars
From the rare breed to the dams of world medallists, meet H&H’s outstanding mares
We take a look back at some of the fabulous mares who have been honoured with this prestigious award so far…
‘She loved being a broodmare’: final farewell to star dam
‘She was a fantastic mum; knew exactly what to do’
Stud says sad final farewell to foundation broodmare
The champion mare received head studbook grading with the Sport Horse Breeding (GB) and won many titles including broodmare diploma at the BEF Futurity
Mammary tumours and mastitis in mares: what you need to know *H&H VIP*
A mare’s mammary glands are often overlooked, especially if she is not being used for breeding. Rosie Naylor MRCVS outlines potential problems
'Most wonderful' Hanoverian wins H&H's outstanding mare award
21-year-old performance-tested Hanoverian broodmare Seven Percent has produced 14 foals
Breeding: what to look for in the mare
It's not just the choice of stallion that you have got to get right when planning on breeding or purchasing a foal, the mare is also essential
Critically rare breed beats elite horses to H&H outstanding mare award
The breeders of the winning mare were surprised to receive the award, having been up against a raft of successful mares from the Olympic disciplines