
Top showjumper can return to UK to continue recovery after bad fall

  • Trevor Breen will not have to undergo another operation, and will be able to come home to the UK next week, his family has announced.

    The Breens gave an official update on the condition of the Irish showjumper, who sustained three fractures of his lower neck and back in a fall during the Hamburg grand prix last weekend (11 May).

    Trevor and his family home-bred European Championships ride Highland President had a bad fall at an oxer in the CSI5* class. H&H reported on Monday that Trevor had had an operation to stabilise the worst fracture and that he would need further surgery.

    But today, his family said: “After meeting with his team of surgeons in Hamburg, all seven doctors unanimously agreed that the next surgery was unnecessary for his healing process.

    “Trevor can return home to England early next week and start rehab. As soon as his fractures fully heal, he can get back in the saddle, which we hope will be within three months.

    “For now, Trevor has his neck brace off, and he’s walking around the hospital by himself—so much so that [his wife] Caroline keeps having to find where he is.”

    Caroline told H&H on Monday that Trevor was put in an induced coma after the fall, and was then transferred to a top spinal surgery unit in Hamburg. Doctors originally said he may not be able to ride or walk again, but his prognosis is now much brighter.

    “It’s a long road ahead and we have a long way to go, but if everything continues to go as it’s going now, it’s an amazing prognosis,” Caroline said at the time.

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