Created by Brenda Wickham, the “Sabrina Way” connects the Pennine Bridleway with Oxfordshire.
Sabrina Way, named after the goddess of the River Severn, passes through some interesting countryside. In Staffordshire the route leaves the Peak District, makes its way to Cannock Chase, under the M6 to later cross the Roman road of Watling Street.
The River Severn is crossed at Coalport and then it runs southwards through Shropshire, through the Wyre Forest into Worcestershire and along the ridge of the Malvern Hills. The Severn is crossed again at the Haw Bridge and the route climbs into the Cotswolds to ride across Gloucestershire to where the Sabrina Way meets Wayland’s Way at Great Barrington in Oxfordshire.
Janet George, acting chief executive of the BHS, said, “The Sabrina Way will create the possibilities of wonderful links into Wales, and we hope for some great routes running through as well as out of the Principality. The development work to improve the routes will be of great benefit to local riders too.”