A horse had to be lifted from a ditch by the fire brigade after it became stuck in mud at the weekend.
Firefighters from Faversham’s Greenwatch took two hours to rescue the stricken animal after being called in by RSPCA inspectors. A vet came to administer painkillers.
The RSPCA inspectors stayed with the horse for several hours until her owner arrived and she managed to stand up and move around unaided.
A dog walker had alerted the RSPCA after seeing the animal trapped in a field by Ray Lamb Way, in Erith, Kent.
RSPCA Inspector Becky Timberlake said: “When we arrived at the scene you could only see the very top of the horse’s back and head.
“The mud was really sticky and there was no way she was going to free herself. Some workers nearby said that she had been there since at least 8.30am that morning and she looked exhausted.”
To report an injured or sick animal, an animal in danger, or cruelty to any animal, call the RSPCA 24-hour cruelty line 0300 1234 999. Calls are treated in the strictest confidence.