Whether we’re talking at them or to them, we’re constantly chatting to our horses when both in and out of the saddle.
Which one of these eight conversations have you had with your horse recently?
1. That you love him/her
Three words, eight letters. We probably don’t say it enough to our nearest and dearest but we say it at least 20 times per day to our horses. They’re just so lovable, and they need to know!
2. How much you hate your [insert person here]
Who needs therapy when you’ve got a quiet country lane and your horse to vent to. We’ve all spent our fair share of time crying into someone’s mane. We’ve all sat in the corner of a stable while a nuzzle gently brushes on your cheek. Trust us, horses are the key to a broken heart.
3. ‘My little *insert sickly pet name*’
Common pet names include the words angel, fluffy or cutie-pie.
4. ‘You little *insert swear word*’
Horse people are known for their colourful language and when your horse has pulled on your last nerve, it’s surprising how creative we can get with our curses. Just try not to bellow these expletives in front of your children or granny, though it’s likely they’ve heard them before…
5. Motivational quotes
They seem to work for most athletes so why wouldn’t your horse respond positively to some cheesy cliches about how winners never quit and quitters never win. It certainly can’t hurt.
6. The way round a dressage test/course of jumps
If you say it out loud, you can’t go wrong, right?
7. Asked for some life advice
Horses are the best listeners and sometimes just getting everything out helps you make a clearer decision. Plus, they can’t talk back or question you when you actually go through with said life change.
8. Questions they can’t respond to
These include things such as: what do you want to do today? Are you excited? Did you have a nice sleep?
9. Likes and dislikes
This is his favourite rug/treat/hacking route. He really, really doesn’t like plastic bags/going in front on a ride/green water buckets. It’s funny how we can articulate our horses’ preferences without them uttering a single word…
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