Andrew Sallis
H&H hunting columnist
Andrew Sallis has been joint-master and huntsman of the Kimblewick since 2017, and is stepping down on 1 May 2022. He joined the Kimblewick from the East Sussex and Romney Marsh, where he bred a Peterborough doghound champion (Dante 11) during his 10-year tenure as master and huntsman. He has also hunted the South and West Wilts and the Isle of Wight. Andrew studied music at Cambridge University and is a former professional composer.
An education in hunting: the role of school and college packs *H&H Plus*
Andrew Sallis: ‘I got 99 problems but my hounds ain’t one’ *H&H Plus*
Andrew Sallis: There will be life after social media *H&H Plus*
H&H’s hunting columnist reflects on the problems of click-bait social media in society
A vital relationship: Why it’s important for a huntsman and field master to work well together *H&H Plus*
A huntsman and a field master must work closely together and communicate effectively and frequently, says Kimblewick master and huntsman Andrew Sallis
Andrew Sallis: A very good job done by all *H&H Plus*
It’s a time of reflection for H&H’s hunting columnist as the season draws to a close
Andrew Sallis: Glimpse at the yuletide diary *H&H Plus*
Christmas has been an action-packed time for H&H’s hunting columnist
Andrew Sallis: We carry on the fight *H&H subscribers*
H&H’s hunting columnist urges country people to campaign for our rural way of life
Andrew Sallis: Hunting is more popular than ever *H&H VIP*
H&H’s hunting columnist reflects on the increase of sabs and the evolution of hunting
Andrew Sallis: Experience has taught me to embrace it *H&H VIP*
H&H’s hunting columnist on how to survive the hunt AGM and make it a success
Andrew Sallis: The curse of social media *H&H VIP*
Horse & Hound's hunting columnist on holding online abusers to account, evolution and pantos
Andrew Sallis: Rain? What’s that? *H&H VIP*
Opening meets are upon us — 'Are you ready?' asks Horse & Hound's hunting columnist
Andrew Sallis: Keeping busy in the downtime *H&H VIP*
Horse & Hound's hunting columnist on the vital bond between hunting and point-to-pointing
Andrew Sallis: the furrowed brows and raised eyebrows surrounding the awarding of hunt buttons *H&H VIP*
Andrew Sallis on the thorny responsibility of awarding hunt buttons
Andrew Sallis: A good, strong team is crucial *H&H VIP*
Horse & Hound's hunting columnist says the MFHA should take a hand in selecting new masters
Andrew Sallis: Drawing ‘Mrs White’s Bottom’ *H&H VIP
Porcupine Place, Slut’s Wood — Horse & Hound's hunting columnist on imaginative place names
Andrew Sallis: A hunt is a club of friends *H&H VIP*
Is anything as mind-boggling as a new country, asks Horse & Hound's hunting columnist
Andrew Sallis: An inexact science; an enigmatic art *H&H VIP*
Horse & Hound's hunting columnist discusses the relationship between the huntsman and his hounds
Andrew Sallis: That sinking feeling *H&H VIP*
Horse & Hound's hunting columnist talks anti-hunt activity, being prepared and more
Andrew Sallis: Twists of the seasons *H&H VIP*
Horse & Hound's hunting columnist discusses the weather, hunting awards and more