KBIS British nov.— 1, Rohan India Rose (D Chaplin); 2, Silverbridge Duncan (C Long); 3, Temple De La Cruz (L Ridgeway). Equissage discovery.— 1, Silverbridge Duncan; 2, Sutherlands Dela Luci (R Pretty); 3, Desdemona III (P Castrow). amateur 1m.— 1, Veralina (E Cox); 2, Look No Wings (J Pask); 3, Flame Flower (E Adcock). 1.05m.— 1, Parlinus (L Crook); 2, Dhumavarna (R Williamson); 3, UFO II (J Thurston). Tri-Zone newcomers/1.10m.— 1 & 2, Temple Hardy & Pilgrim K (J Egmore); 3, Dream Diamond (L De Clerk). jnr 70cm.— 1 & 3, The Candy Date & Bureside Drifter (C Peasley); 2, Sparklers Desert Star (J Pask). jnr 80cm.— 1, Sparklers Desert Star; 2, Bureside Drifter; 3, Highland Maizie (A Williams). jnr British nov.— 1 & 2, Baileys Flight & Highland Maizie (A Williams). jnr discovery.— 1 & 3, Got To Be Cash & Papaguyou (A Zelos); 2, Penybrithdir Frankie (L Edgar). Blue Chip jnr newcomers.— 1 & 2, Got To Be Cash & Papaguyou; 3, Evertown Blue (E Edgar). Squibb Demolition jnr Foxunter.— 1, Papaguyou; 2, Evertown Blue.