Nov 37Q (M Hollands).— 1, Mildred Hubble (A Levy) 61.78. rest.— 1, Tyrclin Sportsman (R Taylor) 67.14; 2, Oliver (L Walkling) 65.35; 3eq, Soulmate (D Taussig) & Advance Party (S Boxall) 64.64. fsm nov Q (B Beresford-Wright).— 1, Nasko Kinsky (J Barry) 74.16; 2, Oliver 71.66; 3, Advance Party 71.38. elem 58Q (M Hollands).— 1, Rockerfella (A Stovold) 67.5. rest.—1eq, Simply Paddy (D Gilbert) & Casthello TH (E Hopkins) 60.62. fsm elem Q rest.— 1, Jurassic Rising (J Clarke) 62.91; 2, Mr Wellie (S Cox) 53.54. med 73Q (M Hollands).— 1, Del Asti (S Edwards) 67.94; 2, Vazal (A Stovold) 65.88; 3, Firenze (D Watson) 65.88. fsm med Q (B Beresford-Wright).— 1, Korenbloem Vincit Omnia (E Stanford) 74.06. adv med 98Q (J Wood).— 1, The BFG III (T Grantham) 66.84; 2, Sandro Star (C James) 58.68. rest.— 1, Korenbloem Vincit Omnia 66.84; 2, High Hoes Dajana (R Black) 63.94; 3, Grenada (C Kershaw) 58.42. fsm adv med Q (M A Horn).— 1, The BFG III 68; 2, Silver Island (I Waite) 62. PSG Q (M A Horn & J Wood).— 1, Bravado (C Tappenden) 61.44; 2, Provender Galant (S Cheetham) 61.18; 3, Silver Island (D Watson) 60.92. PE grade IV nov (M A Horn).— 1, Revelation II (T Addison) 64.4; 2, Official Diamond King (T Addison) 60.8; 3, Ampidextros (L Hayward) 58.8. PE grade III nov.— 1, Stambrook Benjamin Brown (D Man) 68.63; 2, Waldminor (M Durward-Akhurst) 62.27. PE II nov (M A Horn).— 1, Gazelle (A Sutton) 66.66. PE grade IV team Q (J Wood).— 1, Revelation II 66.42; 2, Rughavens Jackpot (R Maddocks) 64.28; 3, Ampidextros 64.28. PE grade III team Q (M A Horn).— 1, Stambrook Benjamin Brown 63.33; 2, Waldminor 58.14. PE grade II team Q (J Wood).— 1, Gazelle 64.7. PE grade IA team Q.— 1, Lambrusco (S Wade) 61.81. PE grade IA team Q.— 1 Brockholm Royal Vagabond (M Murphy) 69.41. PE grade IV team.— 1, Welt Santa Cruz (N Thompson) 67.81. PE grade III team.— 1, Oyster II (T Pawson) 63.7. PE grade II team.— 1, Cabral (N Baker) 73.33; 2, Nirvana Pure Indulgence (E Orford) 66.66. PE grade IB team.— 1, Nothing To Lose (L Tan) 68.63. PE grade IV ind champ Q (M A Horn).— 1, Welt Santa Cruz 67.77; 2, Bojar (K Buckwell) 67.03; 3, Middlemarch IV (R Andrews) & Tango V (R Andrews) 63.33. PE III ind champ Q.— 1, Gentle II (E Kent) 67.66; 2, Oyster II 66; 3, Broadstone Central (A Gill) 62.33. PE grade II ind champ Q (J Wood).—1, Cabral 76.66; 2, Nirvana Pure Indulgence 69.04. PE grade Ib ind champ Q.— 1, Lambrusco 63.04. PE grade IA ind champ Q.— 1, Brockholm Royal Vagabond (M Murphy) 69.5.