
How to choose the right livery yard

  • Are costs making you rethink your livery? Are you considering moving your horse, but worried about compromising his well-being? H&H takes a look at the questions you need to ask when looking at a new yard.

    What to ask

    • Do the other horses at the yard look happy and well?
    • Is there a comprehensive contract?
    • Is there regular turnout?
    • Are the boxes and turnout secure?
    • Are there well-documented and organised procedures in place such as worming, quarantine for new arrivals and a plan in the event of disease outbreak?
    • Are there any hidden costs? For example, will you have to pay extra to use the horse walker or indoor school?
    • What arrangements does the yard have with a vet, farrier and equine dentist?
    • Do you have to find your own supplier for hay and bedding?
    • How far will you have to travel to rent an arena if there isn’t one at your new yard?
    • How will your horse cope with moving to a busier or quieter yard than he is currently in? Does he have health issues that maybe upset by moving?

    To read the full feature on changing livery yards see the current issue of H&H (31 May 2012)

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