
H&H columnists’ have their say

  • Pammy Hutton says . . .

    “The highlight for me was the young horse classes [at the national championships], during which Christoph Hess invited spectators to participate in the final judging, which worked really well. Christoph’s explanations, as he carefully directed the en-masse decision-making, were brilliant — the audience showing their approval or otherwise with applause or silence.

    “Everyone felt involved and the atmosphere was wonderful. I’d love to see this done again — and wonder how it would go down in the showing world?”

    Lucy Higginson says . . .

    “Taking part in my final horse trial of the season, safety became the topic of the day.

    “A flag-bearing steward waved me to a halt midway round the cross-country. The rider in front had had a crashing fall. Ambulances and paramedics were in attendance; the horse had somersaulted on to its rider, who soon regained consciousness.

    “Not for the first time, I felt grateful for the expert medics who make our sport possible.”

  • Do you agree with the columnists’ views? Why not have your say in the HHO forum or write to: The Editor, Horse & Hound, Kings Reach Tower, Stamford Street, London, SE1 9LS
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