
DVD review: Perfecting your seat

  • Tina Sederholm is a clear and enthusiastic teacher, using visual imagery and plain English to effectively get her points across on this DVD.

    The exercises she uses are designed to unlock the door to greater balance, symmetry and harmony in the rider, thereby benefiting the horse, and are suitable for riders of all disciplines.

    The riders in the video were already riding at a competent level but under Tina’s tuition you see a clear improvement, thanks to her attention to detail and use of effective exercises. After watching the video I couldn’t wait to try out some of the exercises both on myself and my own pupils.

    I feel this DVD will benefit any rider looking to build on their basic knowledge, as well as helping more advanced riders iron out bad habits accrued over time and giving trainers extra techniques to help their pupils.

    I would thoroughly recommend this DVD to friends and clients and believe it should be included on the required viewing list for examination candidates. as well as in the ‘library’ of every training establishment.

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