
‘I sobbed all the way up the centre line’: Alan Davies’ highlights from his time as Valegro’s super-groom

  • Alan Davies is one of the most well-known and widely recognised grooms in the world, thanks in part to his years spent looking after the legendary Valegro. Under Charlotte Dujardin, Valegro became the most successful dressage horse of all time, and Alan Davies was by his side throughout his meteoric rise.

    With the news that Alan will be stepping back from his full-time role caring for Carl Hester and Charlotte’s top horses in 2023, we share some of his favourite highlights from his career and time spent as super-groom to Valegro, known at home as Blueberry.

    Hagen CDI4* 2012

    Just one year in to their international career, Charlotte and Valegro set a new world record of 88.02% for the grand prix special.

    “We took Blueberry to Hagen mostly just for extra experience in the run-up to the Olympics – breaking the record that had been set by Totilas was totally unexpected,” reveals Alan. “He and Charlotte did the most incredible test, and Carl and I held our breath throughout. I can picture Blueberry’s one-time changes even now – they were huge, so forward, so beautiful, and he just had the biggest smile on face.”

    London Olympics 2012

    Just a year after Alan first landed the job, he found himself the groom to the Olympic champions. Charlotte and Valegro led Britain to gold in London, as well as winning the individual gold medal.

    “The medal ceremony was a bit of a blur really,” admits Alan. “Out in the collecting ring it was mayhem – we knew it was gold, but we weren’t really sure how the prize-giving was going to work. I remember Charlotte saying to me, ‘Please come in with me, I want you in there with me’. It wasn’t until we got Blueberry back to the stables afterwards that we properly realised what had just happened.”

    World Equestrian Games (WEG) 2014

    Charlotte and Valegro became world champions, but this time the prize-giving it etched in detail on Alan’s mind – for reasons he never expected.

    “I’ll never forget a moment during the individual prize-giving at WEG,” he says. “The podium faced the press down one long side, but as the girls were getting their medals on the podium, and we grooms were standing behind with the horses, I heard someone call my name from the other side of the stadium. I turned, and walked with Blueberry over to the stands on that side and the crowd went crazy: waving flags, clapping, cheering, shouting his name, shouting my name. It was amazing to see how many people really appreciated grooms and the importance of our role behind the scenes.”

    Las Vegas World Cup Final 2015

    Charlotte and Valegro claimed their second consecutive World Cup title with 94.19%, and Alan describes the experience of competing in Vegas as “completely surreal”.

    “You could hear a pin drop at the start of their test, but as it went on you could hear the crowd start to buzz, then they were all clapping along at the end,” he recalls. “It was amazing to see how much they got behind Charlotte and of course Blueberry loved it – the bigger the crowd the better for him.”

    Rio Olympics 2016

    As well as securing team silver for Britain, Charlotte and Valegro retained their Olympic title on what was their final competitive outing, and it was an especially emotional occasion for Alan Davies.

    “There was a lot of pressure on the pair of them in Rio. Just before she went into the arena for the freestyle was the first time I ever saw Charlotte slightly nervous,” he says. “I told her to take a deep breath, that she’d be fine.

    Charlotte Dujardin and Valegro with Alan Davies at the Rio Olympics in 2016

    “We had to walk down a ramp to get into the arena and as we did Blueberry heard the crowd clapping and I just saw him lift as he completely went into performance mode, as if to say ‘Come on Charlotte’. And they were foot perfect. He tried so hard, put his heart and soul into it, listened to her on every step, and was perfectly on the beat of the music – it was just a joy to watch. That horse has the biggest heart, and he really showed it that day.”

    Valegro’s retirement ceremony at Olympia 2016

    “It was Simon Brooks-Ward’s idea that I should lead Valegro into the last part of the retirement ceremony,” says Alan. “I had stay in the collecting ring on my own with him while they were doing interviews in the ring, and I was in pieces. I felt the tears coming and tried to pull myself together.

    “But as the curtains opened, the noise from the crowd, the absolute love I felt from them for this horse, meant that I sobbed all the way up the centre line. It was tears of joy that he was going out at the top, that he was just the most phenomenal horse and everyone loved him – walking in there together, him and me, was the most incredible moment of my life.

    “He and I had been all around the world together; he’s trusted me to take him to all these places, and I felt so honoured that he loved and trusted me enough to walk with me up the centre line at Olympia.”

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