
Catherine Austen: Is a repeal on the cards? *H&H VIP*

  • Opinion

    Who felt excited at the news of an imminent general election? Precisely no one. I know, I know, we’ve done it all before. Tramped the streets delivering leaflets, manned telephones, knocked on doors, all in the name of hunting — or, more precisely, the possibility of a repeal of the Hunting Act 2004. And it doesn’t feel like we’ve achieved a lot, really.

    But dig out those trainers and polish those smiles. We absolutely have to do it again, and in greater numbers and with more determination than ever before.

    Very soon, hunts will be given details of their target seats. This is a real opportunity for hunting and the rural way of life; it is entirely possible that, should enough candidates that support hunting be elected, a push can be made for a free vote on repeal with sufficient numbers to go our way.

    Remember that our opponents didn’t give up when things didn’t go their way. They tried and tried and eventually got what they wanted. So it’s our turn to do the same.

    The current situation is untenable; this is probably the best chance of repeal we have had or are likely to have for a very long time. We must grit our teeth and put our shoulder to the wheel.

    Ref Horse & Hound; 27 April 2017