Novice (bogey time).– 1, Team Ride-Away 2 (S Clark, R Carr, R Andrews); 2, The Jolly Jumpers (H Ingham, K Stak, A Gilman, A Clarke); 3, The Johnsons (J Johnson, H Johnson, A Johnson, A Bacon); 4, Tally Ho Fillies & Ginge; 5, The Wannabees; 6, High Flyers. intermediate.– 1, Team Ride-Away (S Clark, R Carr, R Andrews, C Davey) 4.12; 2, Equiform Farmers Bloodhounds Babes (M Mather, S Myhill, G Wright, C Davey) 4.19; 3, The Wishful Thinkers (S Coady, L Pinfield, F Price, K Richards) 4.20; 4, Top Spec Close Shavers; 5, The Monster Team; 6, Wishful Thinkers Too. open.– 1, Relentless Fight the Ban (R Cope, P Mason, M Wall, D Barrett) 4.33; 2, Equiform Farmers Bloodhounds (G Wright, C Nicholls, D Watts, S Tideswell) 5.15; 3, Art Hotel Chasers (S Myhill, J Goss, C Davey) 5.26; 4, ROR Lycetts A Class Act.