
BDS Wales driving results, 15 August

  • Non-hackney 13.2hh & under.— 1 & res sup, M King’s Menai Leo; 2 & points ch, E Ham’s Crossfield Glory; 3, G Wigley’s Criccieth Rocky Moricano. non-hackney 13.2hh & over.— 1, J Bulmer’s Monnington Overture; 2 & Welsh ch, M Kesan’s Bramble (M Reid); 3, N Burder’s Chigg Surprise (L Selby). hackney type.— 1 & sup, J Hollister’s Heartland Red Rocket (J Thomas); 2, D Dix’s Borthwood Riffraff (S Dix). young driver.— 1, P Mander’s Foula Fred Whinston (V Morris); 2, J O’Brien’s Oakmeadow Ben (J Jones); 3, A Birch’s Meilen Tornado (R Ralph). open private driving.— 1, Crossfield Glory; 2, J Bulmer’s Monnington Cassanova; 3, Chigg Surprise. single reg Welsh.— 1, Menai Leo; 2, Crossfield Glory; 3, L Dagg’s Angelbank Rebel. long reining and cones.— 1, G Wigley’s Timmy; 2, Meilen Tornado; 3, Crossfield Glory. country vehicle.— 1, Meilen Tornado; 2, Foula Fred Whinston; 3, E Matthew’s Black Bess. lady/gentleman whip.— 1, Borthwood Riffraff; 2, Chigg Surprise; 3, Crossfield Glory. multiples.— 1, Foula Fred Whinston; 2, D Morris’s Ladbury Mac & Lakeland Starlight; 3, L Dagg’s Angelbank Rebel & Angelbank Annabell. concours d’elegance.— 1, Crossfield Glory; 2, Heartland Red Rocket; 3, Chigg Surprise. nov horse/pony.— 1, A Owen’s Carnalw Desert Boy ( R Fuller); 2, M Kesan’s Murphy (L Mort); 3 & exercise ch, G Horton’s Finbar Brenin. Drivers Dream style and performance.— 1, Crossfield Glory. Shetland pony.— 1, Ladbury Mac & Lakeland Starlite; 2, Foula Fred Whinston; 3, Black Bess. coloured horse/pony.— 1, P Lewis’s Little Paddocks Pippin; 2, Finbar Brenin; 3, R Jones’s Torri’s Danny Boy. pleasure driving.— 1, J Purnell’s Comanche Sunset; 2, D Dempsey’s Rocky Roo; 3, Carnalw Desert Boy. exercise vehicle, two wheel.— 1, Finbar Brenin; 2, Carnalw Desert Boy; 3, Comanche Sunset. driven cones.— 1, Carnalw Desert Boy; 2, Crossfield Glory; 3, Rocky Roo. four wheel.— 1, Sian Lavis’s Py; 2, Murphy. ride & drive.— 1, Criccieth Rocky Moricano; 2, C Ree’s Tonto (D Williams); 3, Torri’s Danny Boy. disabled whip.— 1, Py; 2, C Ward’s Flint (C Ward/R Hopkins).

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