Get a sneak preview of some of the topics discussed by our columnists and in our features in this week’s magazine — on sale today
EXCLUSIVE special news investigation: find out why quality horses are being abandoned all over Ireland and what you can do to help.
Alex Hua Tian reveals his first-hand experience that green tights are not a good look.
Vet Liz Barr discusses common hock problems and asks whether we are paying enough attention to hind leg conformation when breeding performance horses.
Tina Cook wonders why entries are proving some variable at prestigious event and has a suggestion to help avoid ODEs from cancelling due to low entries at the ballot date.
Richard Davison supports the applicance of science and the benefits that are offered through the World Class equine sports science programme.
Graham Fletcher talks about making sacrifices, and being less than impressed by Monty Roberts
Top tips on how to set up your first stable yard when time, space and money is at a premium, plus a useful Q&A covering common arena problems.