Novice WHP (Ms M Schwarz) NS.— 1, A Clark’s Cosford Chameleon; 2, K Broggard’s Weggs Little Shelley; 3, L Stuart’s Greendown Ozzy. 133cm.— 1 & ch, C Wonnacott’s Firefly; 2, E Skuse’s Truly Scrumptious; 3, L Stuart’s Greendown Ozzy. 143cm.— 1, J Please’s Ballinasloe Boy; 2, L Norton’s Baachaill Maith; 3, J Talbot’s Cochita. 153cm.— 1, M Pollet’s Rough Diamond; 2, C Healy’s Foxtown Silver Sailor. int.— 1, A Richards’ Pebbly Role Model. open rest int.— 1, Pebbly Role Model; 2, V White’s Kelsterton Merlin. 133cm.— 1 & res, L Stuart’s Rookwood Dundoolie; 2, J Tregoning’s Joey B; 3, A Boyle’s My Blue Eyed Boy. 143cm.— 1 & ch, Ballinasloe Boy; 2, A Bellamy’s Derry; 3, Baachaill Maith. 153cm.— 1, C Richards’ Captain Justice; 2, Foxtown Silver Sailor. Heritage nov WHP (Mrs A Derby) 122cm.— 1, Greendown Ozzy. 138cm.— 1 & ch, J Please’s Blue Haven Reaction; 2, G Tucker’s Saltmarsh Tittle Tattle. exc 138cm.— 1, V White’s Oaklands Donatello; 2, G Wyman’s Willow Warbler; 3, E Skuse’s Mick Dundee. mixed height.— 1, Bluehaven Reaction; 2, Captain Justice; 3, R Kempe’s Rosshill Fred. BSPS nov SHP (Miss S Chapman) 153cm .— 1, A Bellamy’s Penskyber Poppys Charm. 143cm.— 1 & ch, Derry; 2, L Pickles’ Brindlebrooks High Survivor; 3, M Ragan’s Perriland Paprika. 133cm.— 1 & res, C Wonnacott’s Hollowmarsh Archie; 2, A Clark’s Cosford Chameleon; 3, I Yule’s Elvet Lone Star. open rest LR of HT (Mrs V Bywater).— 1 & ch, V Dymond’s Gryngallt Picture Puzzle; 2 & res, Z Kibbey’s Rookey Hailstone; 3, L Opperman’s Barkway Soprano. FR.— 1, A Please’s Treowen Ranger; 2, A Breon’s Amesbury Mandinka; 3, A Dymond’s Baylew St Patrick. open LR (Miss S Chapman).— 1, V Dymond’s Cosford Perdina; 2, L Opperman’s Barkway Soprano; 3, G Trebble’s Talponiciau Dancing Queen. nov int SRT 158cm.— 1, E Skuse’s Trelaske Firecracker; 2, H Masters’ Chycoose Va Va Voom. open FR.— 1, A Wood’s Cosford Blue Sky; 2, O Laity’s Fairly Passion Flower; 3, A Dymond’s Thistledown Rose Of Sharon. int SRT open rest 158cm.— 1 & ch, H Patterson’s Lochill High Society; 2 & res, Bingham Queen Of Hearts; 3, E Giles’ Towan Barnaby Rudge. nov SP (Miss S Chapman) mxd ht.— 1, A Dymond’s Warleigh Jack In The Box; 2, unlisted; 3, Cosford Chameleon. open rest SP do.— 1, L Moore-William’s Chinook Easter Magic; 2, E Pitt’s Hideaway Jamaica Inn; 3, N/A. CHAPS mx ht.— 1, Weggs Little Shelley; 2, M Ragan’s No Promises; 3, A Burks’ Tiger Tim. Cherif ridden Anglo/part-bred Arab 148cm.— 1, Z Moore-Williams’ Beckside First Impression; 2, Hideaway Jamaica Inn; 3, Brindlebrooks High Survivor. exc 148cm.— 1, Towan Barnaby Rudge. Heritage nov M&M (Mrs A Derby) LR.— 1, A Please’s Cromaghr Conn; 2, M Ragnon’s Tyngundun. nov FR.— 1, A Broch’s Lippens Honey Bunch; 2, A Dymond’s Stourton Royal Chester; 3, O McHale’s Dryknowl Branzil. Heritage open rest LR.— 1, M Roynon’s Bengad Leonotis; 2, O Laity’s Stourton Royal Chester; 3, Rookery Hailstone. Heritage open rest FR.— 1, Stourton Royal Chester; 2, Dryknowl Branzil. M&M nov mx brd.— 1, G Wyman’s Greenferns Ben Lomono; 2, A Dawe’s Wishow Lively Lady; 3, Stourton Red Rose. M&M open rest lge.— 1, H Davies’ Saith Johnnie Baeth. sml.— 1, A Crawford’s Beenleighford Flapjack. open rest SHP (Mrs V Bywater) 143cm.— 1, Perriland Paprika; 2, Hideaway Jamaica Inn; 3, Brindlebrooks High Survivor. 133cm.— 1, I Eaton’s Westerby Dragonfly. 122cm.— 1, Baylew St Patrick.