Stark welfare warning over impact of donkey smuggling
An investigation sponsored by an international welfare charity has claimed donkeys are being smuggled into Kenya to keep up with the demand for their hides
An investigation sponsored by an international welfare charity has claimed donkeys are being smuggled into Kenya to keep up with the demand for their hides
Riders on the Greek island must weigh no more than 15st 7lb or 20% of each donkey’s weight
‘I now feel happy, and the experience has given me the confidence to want to go out and do more things’
Members of the public captured footage of the donkeys being assaulted and upon the RSPCA investigating the donkeys were found to be living in filthy conditions
Mayor Anastasios-Nikolaos Zorzos pledged improvements would be made to the working conditions for Santorini’s donkeys ahead of the next holiday season
‘Even though Fudge is a young inexperienced mother, she bonded with her baby straight away and has been very loving and protective’
The rider had hoped to take part in team quest affiliated competition with Wallace The Great
Watch a video of the adorable foal, who has a lot to say for himself!
When Emily first visited the Donkey Sanctuaryshe was not interested in the animals, but this soon changed...
The former adoption donkey spent two decades delighting visitors and staff
It was one of the worst cases of animal neglect the team had seen
The two-year-old gelding has put on 25kg – almost half his original body weight
The Donkey Sanctuary has condemned the attack
The four equines, Happiness, Geoffrey, Nincompoop and Bill, recently came into the care of the Donkey Sanctuary
Demand for ejiao, derived from donkey hides, has led to the slaughter of millions of donkeys
One of the donkeys could not be saved and was put to sleep
Charities are calling for an end to the ‘suffering’ caused by the festival
Find out how you can help stop the practice
Three-year-old Echo's feet were three times a healthy length
There have been continued calls for a halt on donkey skin trade amid a tax reduction on hides