Sweet itch
10 ways to beat sweet itch this summer
Midge madness in the UK? We ask an expert if there really are more midges this year
7 ride-on fly rugs that will make hacking more pleasant for your horse
Sweet itch in horses: what all horse owners need to know
Solving summer skin problems in horses
Breaking the cycle of persistent irritation is the key to coping with summer skin problems, explains Karen Coumbe MRCVS
Biting pests that might attack your horse this summer *H&H Plus*
Summer pasture is home to all manner of biting pests and parasites, as Karen Coumbe MRCVS explains
Potential health problems for native breeds *H&H VIP*
Britain’s native ponies have evolved to thrive in harsh conditions, but they suffer their share of health problems. Andrea Oakes discovers what to look out for.
Not so sweet: sweet itch myths busted
With many owners battling sweet itch this summer, we speak to an expert to dispel some sweet-itch myths and find out how to best manage the condition
Hope for sweet itch sufferers as vaccine trial shows ‘significant’ results
The innovative treatment was tolerated well by the horses involved in the trial
Can feeds affect sweet itch in horses? Spillers explains... *Promotion*
Spillers’ equine nutritionist Clare Barfoot provides one H&H forum user with some helpful advice on how to feed to help manage sweet itch
‘You’re supposed to take away anything they can scratch on — but I can’t take his teeth out’
Horse & Hound meets one owner whose horse is suffering from sweet itch — and finds out how she is managing the problem
Sweet itch vaccine 'will make a huge difference'
A company is developing a vaccination which would 'eliminate the need for continuous husbandry and treatments'
Developing a cure for sweet itch *H&H VIP*
Spring signals misery for horses with sweet itch, an allergic reaction to midge bites. Dr Doug Wilson of the University of Bristol School of Veterinary Sciences outlines the challenges of finding a cure
Beat sweet itch with a new rug from Z-itch
The Sweet Itch Rug is designed to provide a physical barrier between your horse and insects.
Funding needed for sweet itch research
The research into a possible genetic predisposition to the condition should benefit all breeds
H&H readers urged to help with sweet itch survey
The condition is caused by an allergic reaction to an insect bite and affects thousands of equines during the summer months
Drugs company and charities launch sweet itch awareness month
April is the UK’s first Sweet Itch Awareness Month. The condition is known to affect three to five per cent of horses in the UK
New Z-itch to help control sweet itch launched at BETA
Z-itch, a new product designed to help control sweet itch, has been launched, to help owners start their prevention regime before the start of the summer.
New sweet itch supplement Think Itch launched by Brinicombe Equine
A new feed supplement to help horses with sweet itch has been launched for this spring by Brinicombe Equine.