Being a pain, or in pain? We need to listen to our horses
‘Pain-free horses don’t react like that’: film aims to help riders hear what their horses are saying
Education will help us hear what our horses are trying to say *H&H Plus*
The horse grimace scale: How to spot dental discomfort by a horse’s face
Studies suggest that dental discomfort may be written all over a horse’s face - if you know what to look for
How blocking a horse’s nerve or joint can help locate a source of pain
Behaviour assessment tool enables all onlookers to assess pain in horses
Research has found it is possible for untrained observers to assess pain and lameness in ridden horses using an ethogram
Want to beat the bounce? New guide on the best bras for riding
The free guide on how to pick the best riding bra for you has been published after research found 40% of ladies suffer from breast pain when in the saddle
Breast pain puts some women off riding
Forty percent of women taking part in a survey reported having breast pain while riding
How to control pain in horses [H&H VIP]
H&H's veterinary expert explains the signs to look out for if you think your horse may be in pain, plus what improvement have taken place in the range of pain relief now available
Recognising when a horse is in pain
Expert veterinary advice on recognising the signs that your horse is in pain
New research boosts understanding of pain
Horses can’t tell us how much pain they are in, but recent research by Rachel Eager of the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies will help improve vets' understanding
Understanding pain
Expert advice from HORSE magazine on how to recognise when horses are in pain
Is your horse in pain?
Expert advice on how to recognise a horse is in pain and how to administer painkillers