Veteran supplements: what’s on the market?
8 oils to consider adding to your horse’s feed
11 feeds formulated to help your horse gain weight and condition
The best treats for your horse – because they’re worth it!
The 10 golden rules of feeding horses
20 feeds suitable for horses prone to gastric ulcers
13 feeds suitable for horses prone to laminitis
Feeds formulated for the older horse to keep them feeling young
14 licks worth their salt
Top rider urges ‘treat yourself as an athlete’ after low blood sugar may have contributed to fall *H&H Plus*
Feeding a horse for weight gain — don’t miss this expert advice
If you want to find out more about feeding a horse for weight gain, make sure you read this advice from industry experts...
What should your horse weigh? Nutrition experts share their knowledge...
How much does a horse weigh? And how much should they weigh? H&H investigates...
How quickly will a horse gain weight? We ask the experts...
While ideally all horses would sustain a healthy bodyweight year-round, this is often not the case. Here we discover how quickly will a horse gain weight...
Convenience and a healthy diet — how to manage it as a busy rider
How to eat well without compromising taste and time
No time? No problem: the 4-minute workout to help riders stay on top of their game
In the second part of a new series, Connor Clennan (pictured), a qualified nutritionist and a strength and conditioning coach to professional sportspeople and private clients explains why time is our biggest enemy
6 obstacles riders think stop them from improving their fitness and nutrition
In the first of a new series, Connor Clennan, a qualified nutritionist and a strength and conditioning coach to professional sportspeople and private clients maps out what he believes prevents riders from treating themselves as athletes
Confused by probiotics, prebiotics and pre-digested feed? Feeding jargon explained
Navigating feeding terminology can be hard to digest at times. Andrea Oakes sifts through the latest offerings on the market to find the true meaning behind those feed company phrases
How nutritious is your hay? New business set up to help
Company launched to improve equine diets
New products available from Equilibrium
Find out about the three new additions to the Equilibrium Products Range