Want to relieve tension in your horse? Here’s an equine bodywork expert’s simple method that really works
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Pulseroll Pro Massage Gun review *H&H Approved*
8 ways equine massage could help your horse (you may be surprised...)
Equine massage therapist Laura Marsden takes a look at how massage can improve and maintain your horse’s performance, from increased flexibility to relieving poll tension
H&H Asks: massage rug
Horse & Hound finds out why the HHP Massage System rug is so useful
Helping hands for your horse
Equine Muscle Release Therapy is a hands-on alternative treatment that has recently arrived in Britain
Q&A: Coping with confinement
Expert advice from HORSE magazine on how to help keep reduce stable stress in a young Thoroughbred
Give your horse a stretch
Stretch exercises can be used to help keep horses supple, says HORSE magazine
Q&A: What is Bowen Equus ?
Expert advice from HORSE magazine on the benefits of Bowen Equus technique
All about equine sports massage
Massage is an alternative therapy which helps equine athletes towards peak performance
Understanding Equine Bowen Therapy
A look at the Bowen technique, used on people and animals, to promote healing and relieve pain
Treating illness with reiki
Japanese for "universal life force", reiki is an energy transference technique which is said to channel healing powers to areas of disease or injury.
Feeling the stretch
Hands-on treatments for horses have long proved effective in promoting health. Now a series of specially designed equine stretching exercises can help get your horse back to top form.