Groundwork for horses

There are many different ways you can work horses from the ground including techniques like lungeing, long reining, groundwork using a rope halter, classical in-hand work and liberty work.

Lungeing, long reining and other forms of groundwork are ways to work the horse from the ground, typically without a rider on board. They are useful training techniques used as part of the process of starting horses (training the horse to accept a rider on their back and being ridden). Once the horse has been backed and is confident being ridden, groundwork can be used to help keep the horse fit, to provide variety in their training and exercise the horse without the weight of the rider.

Whether you are looking for advice on how to lunge a horse, the benefits of long reining horses, how best to deal with common lungeing problems, or how to introduce your horse to liberty training, then Horse & Hound’s experts are here to help.