eTraining prelim plan
Below you can find all the content that forms the Horse & Hound eTraining prelim plan.
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Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8
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To find 20-minute workout exercises in the prelim plan click here
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How to encourage your horse to stretch and relax
How to ride a winning dressage test
Here, we have put together a selection of top tips to ensure that you produce a winning test, every time
Understanding your dressage test sheet
8 ways to earn more marks in a dressage test
How to improve your horse’s understanding of your aids
Transitions are used frequently and they can aid strength and your horse’s understanding of your aids
20-minute weekly workout: three ways to perfect your free walk
The ultimate aim of this exercise is to create a regular, four time, purposeful free walk, where your horse is relaxed and soft through his back, poll, jaw and mouth
20-minute weekly work-out: raised trotting or canter poles
This exercise helps a horse find its rhythm and is effective for horses working on the flat and those that are jumping
20-minute weekly workout: straightening the canter
The exercise should help straighten the horse, so that he travels on two tracks and achieves self-carriage
How to prevent your horse from jogging in a dressage test
Here is some useful advice to help keep jogging at bay
The exercise: walk onto a small circle
We have a clever exercise for you today that will make sure your horse keeps moving forward in a new pace after a downward transition
How to master sitting trot
Sitting trot is tough — how are you supposed to look elegant and effortless yet remain a positive influence on your horse? Here are some top tips to help you on your way
The secrets behind riding perfect transitions
Whether you’re under the watchful eye of a dressage judge, or you just want to be able to establish your horse’s work on a day-to-day basis, nailing transitions is something you’re going to need to get right every time
Top tips for an effective dressage warm-up
If you’re looking to compete in some upcoming dressage competitions, don’t miss these tips to help ensure an effective dressage warm-up
What is the secret to improving your horse's topline?
Helen Triggs asks experts from different fields for their top tips to help a horse develop stronger muscles over the topline of its body
7 tips to help you learn your dressage test
To help you gain the confidence in learning a dressage test and to help prevent you from forgetting where you’re meant to be going, here are some common methods used to aid memory
How to achieve the perfect dressage position
We would all love to look like Carl Hester or Charlotte Dujardin while doing flatwork with our horses. To help you on your way, here are some useful tips to help you work towards improving your position
20-minute weekly workout: how to avoid cutting corners in a dressage test
In today’s 20 minute workout you’re going to teach your horse — and yourself — not to cut corners
20-minute weekly workout: rider focus
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