Disabled riders’ charity has eight weeks to raise £425,000 to secure its home
Calls for greater efforts to enable disabled individuals to work in the equestrian industry *H&H Plus*
Badminton to offer care service for disabled visitors
'Care at the event' facility designed to cater for all disabilities to be launched at this year's Badminton Horse Trials
New route opens for disabled carriage drivers
Disabled carriage drivers have more scope to enjoy their sport as a new route opens on Marlborough Downs
Chariot gives disabled boy new lease of life
A nine-year-old disabled boy has found a new way to enjoy his pony, thanks to specially adapted equipment bought for him by a childrens’ charity
£21,000 funding for disabled riding kit
Sport England has awarded funding worth £21,000 to three riding centres to spend on specialist equipment for disabled riders
Disadvantaged young people undertake 1,800km charity trek
Seven Carmargue horses plus one draught horse will be travelling across France to London to raise funds for disabled people and those from disadvantaged backgrounds
Epic charity challenge for disabled carriage driving team
A group of intrepid disabled carriage drivers have set off on a 13-day drive from Scotland to Birmingham in aid of Sports Driving Unlimited
Disabled beauty queen shows talent riding side-saddle
This year’s Miss Coventry is hoping to charm the Miss England judges with an unusual talent — riding side-saddle
Riding for the Disabled Association benefits from Vodafone volunteer
A Lancashire woman has been given the chance to help out at her local Riding for the Disabled centre and get paid — thanks to Vodafone
Former graded Friesian stallion excels as RDA horse
A former graded Friesian stallion and dressage horse has shown old horses can learn new tricks by becoming one of the trusted mounts of a Riding for the Disabled (RDA) group
Don't panic about new vetting regulations, says BHS
The British Horse Society has told equestrian employers not to worry about a new government “vetting “scheme
Riding for the Disabled Association organises world's biggest riding lesson
The Riding for the Disabled Association hopes to unite riders around the globe this autumn for the world’s biggest riding lesson as part of its 40th anniversary celebrations
School for disabled children appeals for a new pony
A school for children with physical disabilities in Sussex is appealing for someone to donate a pony for the children’s riding lessons after their much loved pony Lela died
BETA International supports Riding for the Disabled
The Riding for the Disabled Association has been named BETA International’s chosen charity for 2010
Connemara society donates jubilee pony to Riding for the Disabled
The British Connemara Pony Society is celebrating its Diamond Jubilee by donating a pony to the Riding for the Disabled Association
Launch of new driving charity for the disadvantaged and disabled
Sports Driving Unlimited, a new charity to introduce disabled, disadvantaged and terminally ill people to competitive carriage driving, is to launch next month.
RDA riders to benefit from charity golf day
The Riding for the Disabled Association is holding its annual charity golf day later this month
Britain hosts world driving champs
The fourth World Championships for disabled drivers will be held in Scotland next year, where the British squad is hoping to improve on its previous silver medal-winning success