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What is showing?

Showing is an opportunity for horses and ponies to compete side by side with others of the same type — from hunters and working hunters to show ponies and native breeds, plus cobs, hacks, seniors and many more.

The winter showing circuit comes to an end in March, with riders battling for prestigious titles at winter championships, such as the Ponies UK Winter Classic and the BSPS Winter Championships.

Once the summer scene gets underway, qualifiers for the Royal International Horse Show at Hickstead in July are hotly contested. Royal Windsor in May is also in most riders’ diaries, whether as a competitor or spectator.

Then all eyes turn to society summer championships and qualifiers for October’s Horse of the Year Show, where a supreme horse and pony is crowned, and top-class workers, hunters, hacks, cobs — plus many more — come under the spotlight. For natives and senior in-hand and ridden equines, their moment to shine comes at Olympia in December.