Ned Gets Worried
Price as reviewed:
£6.50 paperback
Author: Suzi Lewis-Barned
Illustrator: Ursula Lewis-Barned
Published: 2020
Available as paperback
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About Ned Gets Worried
Ned the pony is worried. He worries about everything. Sometimes he wakes up and he doesn’t even know why he’s worried, he just is. Then he meets Valiant, his big, strong friend. Valiant used to be a police horse in the big city and he shows Ned how to manage his anxieties. This picture book, written by Suzi Lewis-Barned and illustrated by Ursula Lewis-Barned, gives children some tools to manage their worries.
Ned Gets Worried is a charming story with a gentle message about children’s natural anxieties explored through the eyes of a pony and a horse. We join the adorable Ned in his field and soon discover the little chestnut pony’s worries – litter, noises, dogs and even the fear that he might stand on the toes of the children who come to stroke him.
It’s enough to pull at your heart strings. But Ned even wakes up sometimes “and doesn’t even know why he’s worried” – and this is where the skilled author’s insightfulness really comes to the fore. When the older, more streetwise police horse Valiant comes to Ned’s rescue and gently guides him through his fears, allowing him to explore and deal with his emotions, we join him on a heartwarming journey, discovering that things really aren’t that scary after all.
In the end, it becomes Ned’s turn to come to the aid of his new mentor Valiant, resulting in a touching and satisfying ending to this delightful tale, which is vividly brought to life by the exquisite drawings that illustrate it.
I’ve now read this book dozens of times with my young son, who enjoys the story tremendously on face value, but dig a bit deeper and it’s a great catalyst for discussing childhood fears and anxieties with little ones. A lovely story to have on the shelf.
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