Courses For Horses
Price as reviewed:
£8.99 paperback
Author: Caroline Akrill
Published: 2022
Available as paperback or Kindle edition
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About Courses for Horses
After a wait of more than 30 years, Caroline Akrill has released the sequel to her much-loved Eventers trilogy – Eventer’s Dream, A Hoof In The Door and Ticket To Ride – Courses for Horses picks up the story where Ticket to Ride left off. Many readers have wondered where Elaine and Legend would go next in their eventing career, and what would happen to the Fanes – and now they can find out.
Courses for Horses brings back the cast of the first three books; not just Elaine, Henrietta, Nigella and Lady Jennifer but of course all the equine stars too, as well as some people you may have forgotten…
Anyone who was a fan of the Eventers trilogy will be delighted to hear there’s a new book out.
Readers don’t need to worry that it in any way spoils the others; it’s good as the first three and adds to the story, and although you may be surprised at the turn the story takes at the start, described as a “life-changing” move for Elaine, it’s a great read, in Caroline’s inimitable style, and I’d say a must for fans of the trilogy. The new one and the original set have been republished by Jane Badger Books.
Asked how it felt to pick up the story again, Caroline said: “It was amazingly easy really. I slipped back into their lives as if I had never been away, and because I wanted everything to end well for them, it was great to make it all happen. I really enjoyed writing Courses for Horses.”
A must-red for fans of the trilogy.
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