
Upton House Horse Trials: what riders need to know [H&H VIP]

  • Get the lowdown on this fixture from Eventing magazine's horse trials guide — including what riders say about the event, plus vital statistics

    Date: Wednesday 15 – Thursday 16 July 2015

    Organisers: Jenny Hayward, Jessica Thomas, Charlotte Hutsby and Chris Hall
    Contact: Jenny 07966 207986; haywardwil@aol.com; Jessica 07768 592225; jess@edgehillfarm.net; Charlotte 07899 794681; Chris 07775 601517; chris@chrishallequestrian.com
    Location: Oxon

    Entries open: 10 June
    Ballot date: 24 June at 12 noon
    Entries close: 5 July

    Watch the video

    Link to Upton entries: www.britisheventing.com/upton

    How to get there

    From the south take M40 junction 11 (Banbury exit) and then the A422 Banbury-Stratford road for about eight miles. From the north take junction 12 (Gaydon exit) then the A422 Banbury to Stratford road. The event will be signposted from this road.

    What the organisers say

    The dressage and showjumping are in the same place as 2014 with a good atmosphere for the showjumping. Both are on old, flat turf.

    Having made several changes to the cross-country courses in 2013, to make the tracks flatter, in 2015 there will be few more changes to the novice course.

    The ground is normally very good; if it is on the firm side every effort is made to improve it. An equi-vator has been used in the past.

    The courses are designed to give combinations invaluable experience in balance and rhythm by negotiating our undulating terrain. There will be alternatives at the more difficult fences. Rugs are given to all section winners with other prizes in kind spread throughout the sections.

    What the riders say

    Dressage & showjumping — “Dressage is a long way from the lorry park: fine if you are riding as it’s a good warm-up but a long way for owners and supporters.” “Lots of room to warm up, just a little hilly in parts. Arenas are nice and flat.” “The arenas can be quite spooky with a hedge behind the judge and lots going on the other side.” “The showjumping arena is by the tradestands. It’s a lovely big arena with nice fences. Warm-up can get a bit crowded, as everyone stands to watch inside.” “The showjumping can be quite tight as well as the warm-up. It has a slight gradient.”

    Cross-country — “Nice course with a few hills and different fences.” “Possibly more suitable as a second event than a first-timer’s as a couple of fences need a bit of riding.” “The course is very encouraging but does require a fit horse. The going is good and the layout works. Ground preparation also good. A lot of portables were used. Spectators and grooms need their walking shoes on as it’s all far apart.”

    Percentage of cross-country clears 2014

    ON: 94%
    BE100 Veteran:
    BE100 Open:
    BE90 Open:

    Download part two of the horse trials guide for just £1.49: Eventing horse trials guide part two

    Buy Eventing magazine’s April issue for our full horse trials guide detailing every event from July to October 2015 or purchase a digital copy of the guide here.