
Carl Hester: ‘You can learn so much from watching others’


  • Carl Hester on accessibility and the benefits of viewing greatness in person and online

    Going back 30 years or so, the British Dressage Convention was a cause of annual excitement. Dr Reiner Klimke and Herbert Rehbein were just two of the legends to have offered their wisdom there. The events were hugely popular as chances for people to see these top trainers were limited due to expense or lack of opportunity, as they still are with riders so busy training and riding.

    There’s so much to learn and as Herr Rehbein needed an interpreter, it made me realise that spot-on timing is everything when giving instruction. Dr Klimke was a master at this. The things I took away from his masterclass were detail and precision. Ulla Salzgeber was all about the rider’s position and influence and from Herr Rehbein, a brilliant rider, it was amazing how much I learned just watching him.

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    Online content and social media have changed accessibility. Olympic champion Jessica von Bredow-Werndl and her brother Benjamin run a successful online training business. Trained by Andreas Hausberger of the Spanish Riding School, they have classical roots and both ride with exemplary harmony.
    In October, Jessica will be giving a masterclass at Addington. Costs are high running these events with fees for the trainer and venue, but it’ll be worth it.

    Team potential

    This week, from Thursday until Sunday, the first British international dressage competition of the year is taking place at Addington. Alan Beaumont has made a point of making the show as open as possible, working with British Dressage to ensure that all qualified combinations eligible to compete can do so. With para and able-bodied classes for all age groups and levels it really is going to be, as Alan put it, “a little bit of Europe without the costs, and a chance to see everything the country has to offer.”

    With Annabella Pidgely bringing Gio and Vamos Amigos, and Andrew Gould, who’s very much on the up with Indigro, among the entries, it’s a fabulous chance to see up-and-coming combinations potentially en route to team places. What’s more, entrance is free, so if you have a chance this weekend head to Addington, or watch the free live stream on Clip My Horse.

    Addington had a great response after their first dressage shows. Some comments about the higher costs maybe, but for a venue providing top-class facilities and staging, plus excellent in-house catering, it offers good value for money. The showjumpers love the place.

    Interestingly this inaugural international is self-funded by Addington. While there are sponsors interested, the aim is to work with a small group of select partners to deliver maximum benefit of investment.

    The right values

    The first National Equine Show ran at the NEC in Birmingham a fortnight ago. Tickets sold out, which was great for the organisers and it was a pleasure to speak there. There was some very classy shopping to be had and an eclectic list of speakers – including not just top riders but representatives of different backgrounds and skills including content creators and influencers.

    We should all be aware of the importance of social media in cementing our partnerships with sponsors, but it’s also an important way to communicate our values, and inform on the training and management of our horses.

    ● Who is the most inspiring person you’ve learnt from by watching? Let us know at hhletters@futurenet.com including your name, nearest town and county for the chance to be published in a future issue of the magazine

    • This exclusive column will also be available to read in Horse & Hound magazine, on sale Thursday 16 March

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