
Bradwall Horse Trials: what riders need to know [H&H VIP]

  • Get the lowdown on this fixture from Eventing magazine's horse trials guide — including what riders say about the event, plus vital statistics

    Date: Saturday 2 — Sunday 3 May 2015

    Organiser: Anne Barlow
    Contact: 01270 762036; manorcroftbradwall@hotmail.co.uk; secretary Miranda Barlow: 07841 914356; bradwallhorsetrials@hotmail.com
    Location: Cheshire

    Entries open: 27 March
    Ballot date: 10 April at 12 noon
    Entries close: 22 April

    Watch the video

    Link to Bradwall entries: www.britisheventing.com/bradwall

    How to get there

    Three miles from junction 17 of the M6.

    What the organisers say

    Bradwall’s courses run over undulating terrain on well-established mature turf. They are good, well-dressed, bold, inviting tracks, with a mixture of permanent and portable fences. Several alternatives are available.

    The courses are designed by Andrew Hunter and built by Harry Williams and they will follow the same route as last year, but will have some new feature fences. The ground will be agri-vated if necessary. All courses are educational and boast a wide variety of fences, including a
    water complex.

    The showjumping arena is large and flat, as is the collecting ring. The dressage field has plenty of level space for working-in.

    What the riders say

    Dressage & showjumping — “There is a very large dressage warm-up area, which is flat apart from some undulations towards the outer areas.” “The dressage arenas are in a quiet spot and are level and spaced out.” “The showjumping warm-up is more than adequate in size and relatively level.” “The showjumping arena is usually on a slight slope so can catch horses and riders out, but the course is usually well built and a good test.”

    Cross-country — “The cross-country takes place across the road from the rest of the event.” “The warm-up area is level and a reasonable size.” “The course flows well and is quite bold, with some slightly more technical questions. I probably wouldn’t choose this event as a first run for a young horse, but it is a good course in general.” “The course is relatively flat with a few fairly tight turns to fences, which require accurate riding.”

    Percentage of cross-country clears 2014 (some sections cancelled)

    ONU18: 64%
    ON: 84%
    N: 64%
    BE100 U18: 71%
    BE100 Open: 71%

    Download part one of the horse trials guide for just £1.49: Eventing horse trials guide part one

    Buy Eventing magazine’s March issue for our full horse trials guide detailing every event from March to June 2015 or purchase a digital copy of the guide here. The second half of the guide will be in our April issue (on sale 20 March) and online to buy digitally after publication