1. London International Horse Show is back!
The 2022 London International Horse Show starts today (Thursday, 15 December) at the ExCeL. The Voltaire Design Under-25 British Championship is the first of the showjumping classes today. Audiences will also see dressage world champion Glamourdale compete on British soil for the first time in this afternoon’s grand prix, supported by Horse & Hound. The jam-packed opening day is capped with the return of the big red wall in tonight’s puissance. That’s not to mention all the other fun and entertainment on the schedule for today.
Keep up with all H&H’s online content from London International
2. Commentators’ role in horse sport’s future
H&H has been taking a look at the role commentators – and language used – have in the way horse sport comes across to the general public. “In a way, we’re on the front line and we’re part of the sport that is going to be exposed to people who don’t understand it – for example, the people flicking through the television during the Olympics,” top professional commentator John Kyle told H&H. “To an extent, it’s great we’re allowed to be journalists and report on what we see independently, which has been good for the sport, but we have to focus on the realities of where our sport sits to the wider audience, and the concerns they might have.”
3. British Eventing’s 2023 calendar
The 2023 British Eventing fixtures list has landed. The headline news is that the British leg of the FEI eventing Nations Cup series moves to Chatsworth in 2023, with long-standing host venue Houghton absent from next year’s calendar. Competitors targeting the 2024 grassroots championships have a new route to the finals, with the introduction of regional championships in 2023. Double clears are needed to get to these regional championships, where top performers will secure their places at the respective 2024 Voltaire Design BE90 and BE100 Championships at Badminton and NAF Five Star BE80 Championships at Bramham.
Find out more about the new road to the grassroots finals and how the 2023 BE calendar looks
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Check out what’s happening when at London International Horse Show
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