
Equestrian training courses: veterinary nursing

  • Getting ahead in the equestrian industry means proving that you can offer the complete package.

    Employers need people who can fit into a team but show the initiative to work alone, and who can back up equestrian knowledge with practical experience.

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    The right training underpins these skills and it is important to research the options before you invest your time and money.

    Course: RCVS level 3 diploma in veterinary nursing

    • Content: an apprentice-style course for those already employed at a practice to prepare veterinary nurses for professional registration with the RCVS. Study comprises distance learning and specified college weeks. After studying core units covering essentials such as caring for hospitalised animals, infection control and theatre practice, students can specialise in equine nursing
    • Venue: Open College of Equine Studies, Suffolk
    • Duration: 2 to 3 years
    • Cost: £5,000 in total
    • Entrance requirements: entrants must be 16 or older.
      Minimum of five GCSEs at grade C-plus, including English language, maths and at least one science subject
    • Contacts: tel: 01787 282123, email: info@equinestudies.co.uk, www.equinestudies.co.uk

    Course: Veterinary nursing FdSc

    • Content: a foundation degree course combining classroom study and practical training in a purpose-built veterinary nursing centre, with the middle year spent in veterinary practice. Successful students will graduate as a qualified veterinary nurse eligible to register with the RCVS
    • Venue: Brackenhurst Campus, Nottingham Trent University, Notts
    • Duration:  3 years full-time
    • Cost: £6,500 per year
    • Entrance requirements: 120 UCAS points including a science A level, plus 5 GCSEs at grade C or above including English, science and maths. Two weeks’ work experience in a small animal veterinary practice is also required
    • Applications: from September, through UCAS, to start the following September
    • Contacts: tel: 01636 817099, email: enquiries@ntu.ac.uk, www.ntu.ac.uk/ares

    To read the full feature on equestrian training courses see the current issue of H&H (26 July 2012)

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