The Bramham Horse Trials cross-country course is designed by Ian Stark.
The CCI4*-L course (blue numbers) is 5885m long and the optimum time is 10min 20sec.
Bramham Horse Trials cross-country course: CCI4*-L fence by fence
Fence 1: Bedmax Flower Bed
Fence 2: Voltaire Design Table
Fence 3ab: Yorkshire Dales Ice Cream Cones
Fence 3a
Fence 3b
Fence 4abc: Coopers Marquees Question
Fence 4a
Fence 4b
Fence 4c
Fence 5: The Defender Contender
Fence 6abcd: The Bramham Round House
Fence 6a
Fence 6b direct route
Fence 6b alternative route
Fence 6cd straight route
Fence 6c alternative route
Fence 6d alternative route
Fence 7: Stick Pile
Fence 8abc: Rail, Ditch, Rail
Fence 8a direct route
Fence 8b direct route
Fence 8c direct route
Fence 8a alternative route
Fence 8b alternative route
Fence 8c alternative route
Fence 9: The Wooded Ditch
Fence 10ab: The Suregrow Drop
Fence 10a
Fence 10b direct route
Fence 10b alternative route
Fence 11ab: The Suregrow Kidney Ponds
Fence 11a direct route
Fence 11b direct route
Fence 11a alternative route
Fence 11b alternative route
Fence 12: Joules Leap of Faith
Fence 13ab: The Equi-Trek Spinney
Fence 13a
Fence 13b
Fence 14: Aardvark Safaris Kennels
Fence 15ab: Log to Corner
Fence 15a
Fence 15b
Fence 16: Generator Power Hanging Log
Fence 17: Either or Palisades
Fence 18abcde: Womble Bond Dickinson Pond
Fence 18a direct route – horses bounce from this rail over 18bc
Looking over fence 18bc direct route to the alternative 18c
Fence 18a alternative route – this is also a bounce, but the second part does not land in the water
Fence 18b alternative route
Fence 18c alternative route
Fence 18d direct route
Fence 18e direct route
Fence 19ab: Speedi-Beet Double
Fence 19a
Fence 19b
Fence 20: Leeds East Airport Take Off
Fence 21: KBIS Turn for Home
Fence 22ab: The Defender Challenge
Fence 22a
Fence 22b
Fence 23: The Finale
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