“It’s hard – we have a relatively small but really nice group of long-term liveries, but teaching is what keeps the lights on,” says Becky Moody, whose daily routine balances training, coaching and the financial realities of top-level dressage.
“I remember chatting to Joe Stockdale at the London International Horse Show, and we were laughing about how much more prize money showjumpers get compared to dressage riders,” Becky says. “Even after doing as well as we did recently in the World Cup qualifier in Amsterdam, by the time we got there, paid for entries and fuel, it probably cost around £5,000.”

Luckily, Becky explains that she really enjoys teaching – and when she gets the opportunity to coach at home, she makes it count.
“It’s actually pretty rare that I get to coach Anna [Burns, Becky’s stable jockey] properly,” she admits. “Normally, it’s more of an ongoing thing – I just shout at her while she’s hurtling around.”

Becky Moody teaching Anna Burns on San Isidro. Credit: Isabel Pearce Photography
As Anna rides, Becky doesn’t just give instructions – she asks questions. “What are you thinking about in this movement? What’s your goal for winter regionals?” It’s never just about the test or the score – it’s about the process.
That mindset has shaped Becky’s own journey too, particularly in bringing her home-bred Olympic bronze medalist Jagerbomb from a foal to a top-level competitor.
“I’m a lot more confident now than I used to be,” Becky reflects. “I don’t work them as much as I used to. When you’re learning with the horse, you feel like you have to do things over and over again to get better – but that’s sometimes not so good for the horse.”
At the moment, Jagerbomb is just hacking, having not long returned from Amsterdam. But in a normal week, Becky tends to school Jagerbomb three to four times a week, and when she’s away, he stays active with hacking or light cardio.
“One of my biggest priorities is keeping him fresh while maintaining his fitness, so he does a lot of hacking,” Becky explains. “But I don’t like to do much more than a gentle trot on the roads, so if I’m away, he sometimes does fast canter work or interval training in the outdoor just to get his heart rate up.”
“It is quite full on”: Becky Moody on her daily routine
Becky’s daily routine starts early, with riding beginning at 6:45am or 7:30am, depending on whether she has a lesson to teach. No two horses’ schooling sessions look the same and each has their own bespoke programme. By lunchtime, she’s already worked through multiple horses before switching to coaching.

Becky Moody schooling her grand prix ride James Bond II. Credit: Isabel Pearce Photography
“I normally start riding first thing and then begin teaching again at around 12.45pm until past six,” she explains. “I’ll ride up to 10 a day and teach between six and nine lessons – so it is quite full-on.”
Her packed schedule is only possible thanks to a strong support team.
“Luckily, I have a fab team who tack them all up for me, and I often have someone warming them up as well,” she says. “Right now, that’s our apprentice, Daisy Bullman, who’s only 16, but I also have a couple of other girls I train who come and hang out, stretching the horses for 15 minutes before I get on – which makes a huge difference.”
Each horse gets 10 to 15 minutes on the walker after their session. “We use the walker a lot, especially now when our turnout is a bit restricted because of the weather,” Becky explains.
“Wednesdays and Thursdays, I do coaching clinics away from home,” Becky adds. “And they can be quite epic trips – sometimes I’m travelling down to Suffolk or Herefordshire, three to four hours away, and I’ll teach around 12 lessons in a day.”
Evenings aren’t for relaxing, either. After the last lesson, Becky Moody’s daily routine continues with admin, planning the next day’s riding list, managing entries, and keeping up with her social media.
“I’d love to do more social media,” she says, “but by that point, I’ve usually run out of time and brain function!”
To read our exclusive Access All Areas with Becky Moody in full, pick up this week’s issue of Horse & Hound magazine, in shops from 20 February.
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