Take a look at the Voltaire Design Badminton Grassroots Championships course for the cross-country phase of the 2022 BE90 competition, held on Tuesday 3 and Wednesday 4 May.
The course is designed by James Willis.
Voltaire Design Badminton Grassroots Championships course, BE90
Fence 1: BE Flower Box
Fence 2: Tuckwell’s Triple Bar
Fence 3: KBIS Fallen Tree
Fence 4: Retraining of Racehorses Steeplechase
Fence 5: Voltaire Design Saddle
Fence 6abc: Voltaire Design Lake
Fence 6a
There are four strides from fence 6a to fence 6b
Fence 6b
Competitors then run through The Lake in a left-handed arc to the final element.
Fence 6c
Fence 7: James’s Picnic Table
Fence 8: British Horse Foundation Leap
Fence 9ab: RDA Fund Raiser Brushes
The four brush fences in a row here are fences 9a and 9b for both the BE90 and BE100 courses. The BE90 fences are the first (fence 9a) and third fences (fence 9b) along. Competitors can jump both elements in either direction, so must decide for themselves which route to take.
Fence 9a
Fence 9a from the other side (alternative route)
Fence 9b
Fence 9b from the other side (alternative route)
Fence 10: Brewers Hay Wagon
Fence 11: Badminton Broken Bridge
Fence 11 side view
Fence 12: CrossCountry App ‘C’
Fence 13: Lightsource bp Challenge
Fence 14: Spillers Corner
Fence 15: Equireel Beam
Fence 16abc: Voltaire Design Hollow
Fence 16a
There are two strides from the first element to the ditch.
Fence 16b
And then one stride from the ditch to the final element.
Fence 16c
Fence 17: Badminton Timber Roll
Fence 18: Danco Park Wall
Fence 19ab: Voltaire Design Step
Fence 19a
Horses will probably take two strides on a straight line to the second element or three if riders put in a slight curve.
Fence 19b
Fence 20ab: World Horse Welfare Houses
Fence 20a
There are likely to be five strides between the two elements of this combination.
Fence 20b
Fence 21: Voltaire Design Finale
Course map
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