We recently invited you to send us your photos of your foals that have so far arrived this Spring to help celebrate how wonderful they are. So here is our selection of the class of 2021 so far — stand-by for fluffy-eared, long-legged equines to help brighten your day…
“This is Silencio — he arrived on 12 April. His mum, Secreta, is a Spanish mix and his dad is a polo pony. He was a bit of surprise, but he already has a lovely character” — Emma in Andalucia
All Our Magical Tomorrows
“May I introduce my rather unplanned but joyous bundle of fluff — All Our Magical Tomorrows, aka Torro — a minature driving horse of the future. He is out of Airyhope Tallulah and is by Zorro of Spellbound. Tallulah has been a top winning minature driving pony across the country. Always a bit of a diva, Tallulah managed to dislocate her hip in an accident and while at the NEH (Newmarket Equine Hospital) for treatment we discovered a suprise pregnancy — not the complication we needed when she required surgery but I’m happy to report it all went well and she had an easy birth on St. Patrick’s day. While unplanned, he has bought enormous joy into our lives and of everyone in our village who already ask daily after the future star. He will hopefully take his mum’s place as my driving star once he is old enough” — Julia Prentice
“My foal was born on 10 April. He’s a Friesian called Ronaldo, or Ronnie for short. I’d like to do dressage with him eventually. I also have his brother Nuttert who’s one-year-old so maybe I will drive them both together as well” — Kelly Simpson
Annie’s Party Bling
“Meet Annie’s Party Bling, or Annie as she is affectionately known at home. Her sire is Party Trick and her dam is Morelands Bling. Both parents are from eventing backgrounds and we hope our very pretty little girl will follow in her parents’ footsteps with my son, who has just started on the British Eventing path and will help with training and producing Annie when she’s older. Right now she’s a nosy, inquisitive little thing that gets cuddles and kisses from not only all of us but all the other horses here. She really is one of the family! ” — Katie Hyde
Foxwood Pasco
“This is our foal Foxwood Pasco. He was born 3 April 2021 and is a cob cross. I’m hoping for him to be able to show and do dressage and possibly some small jumping” — Olivia Hassett
Chaptain Chaos
“This is Chaptain Chaos. His sire is Angelo Af Asgard x Maesmynach Heledd. He is a total superstar and hopefully will excel in jumping and eventing like his dad” — Liz Daley
Graves Park Golden Princess
“Graves Park Golden Princess, also known as Grace, arrived on 4 April to first-time mum Lottie” — Graves Park Animal Farm
BE Bunny
“BE Bunny is the first foal to be born at Breen Equestrian’s Pook Bourne Stud. This gorgeous colt foal arrived into the world on Easter Sunday, and has been given the somewhat appropriate name of BE Bunny. BE Bunny could be ‘hopping’ over some big showjumps in the future, if he follows in the footsteps of his famous parents – his mother (by embryo transfer) is Shane Breen’s top competition mare Zarnita, and his sire is Colmar, one of the stud’s superstar stallions. Pook Bourne Stud in West Sussex is the new home for the breeding side of the Breen Equestrian business, and this is the first of 15 foals due to be born at the stud this year” — Victoria Goff
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