Are you lucky enough to own a Welsh pony or cob? If so, you will likely be able to relate to these six things that only the associates of wonderful Welsh ponies can understand…
1. Other riders may underestimate your horse power
When your new horsey friend from the office invites you to join her on a cross-country schooling day, she might look a little underwhelmed when your 14hh ‘mini cob’ steps off the lorry. But don’t be fooled by the hairy legs, long mane and abundance of feather — appearances can be deceiving. These chunky little pocket rockets can certainly use their power and strength to their advantage and will have the stamina and jump to keep up with a full-sized horse. There’s more to a Welsh than white socks, and wait until you see him move…
2. Only a select few will be able to pronounce your pony’s name correctly
The Welsh language, as beautiful as it is, has provided our beloved ponies with some obscure names that take some serious tongue twisting to get right. Double ‘L’s and double ‘F’s are just the half of it, and you will come to realise that most Welsh-born words are definitely not pronounced as they are spelt. We feel for the poor show commentators when it’s time to read out the results of an all-Welsh class!
3. Your dream is to win at the Royal Welsh Show
Like Horse of the Year Show, but for the Welsh pony lovers. Even if you don’t own a Welshie, you will have certainly heard of the wonderful week of showing in July held at Builth Wells. To achieve a top results at the Royal Welsh is a dream for many owner and riders, so you’ll need an extra special Welsh wonder to stand a chance. Better get practising…
4. You will understand why the flag has a dragon on it
As hardy, versatile and low maintenance a Welsh pony can be, most will have a trigger which can unleash the “Welsh Dragon” within. Whether that’s a water tray at the bottom of a jump, a grandstand full of spectators or a plastic bag on the side of the road, your own Welsh will have his or her “thing” which will appear to send them temporarily crazy. As with all natives, they can usually be bribed to cooperate with food…
5. You will get offended if someone calls your pony the wrong section
Only fellow Welsh owners will understand how the intended compliment of “I love your section C” can be taken as highly insulting when directed at your Welsh cob (good things come in small packages). You know it shouldn’t, but it drives you mad when someone has to ask if your pony is a section A or a small section B. A little tip, if you’re not sure what it is, don’t guess.
6. You will never be able to have anything else
Once you’ve gone Welsh, there’s no going back…
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The Welsh section A: everything you need to know about this hardy and versatile pony
Discover the history behind the popular small native breed — the Welsh Section A or Welsh Mountain Pony as it

The Welsh section B: the athletic and multi-talented Welsh pony

The Welsh section C: the popular dual-purpose ponies of cob type
Their athleticism also makes them popular all-rounders and they can excel on the showjumping circuit or can be successful dressage

The Welsh section D: the ‘native cobs’ with power, action and presence
While there is no maximum height requirement, it is desirable that the section D retains pony character and true Welsh

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