The 2022 BSPS Heritage championships held at Arena UK in Lincolnshire saw a New Forest stallion take supreme, a Shetland score the highest mini title and more than 30 combinations take home tickets to the BSPS M&M supreme final held at London International in December.
Check out these 31 gorgeous winners from the 2022 BSPS Heritage championships…
1. Shilstone Rocks River Dart
Chloe Chubb and her Dartmoor stallion win the Dartmoor/Exmoor/Shetland London semi-final qualifier.
2. Dunedin Mascot
After taking second at the Horse of the Year Show (HOYS), Katie Common and Jane McNaught’s Highland lead both the Fell/Dales/Highland semi-final qualifier and the open ridden championship.
3. Llandderfel Prince Richard
The Welsh section D books his first London pass with rider Dannii Thexton for owner Anne Wilson.
4. Eastlands Dunedin
Susan Pool’s 2022 HOYS winner and Lauren Beaumont power their way to London International after heading the New Forest/Connemara semi-final.
5. Feldons Red Kite
Evie Walker and the Dartmoor gelding secure their 2023 Royal International (RIHS) ticket in first ridden ranks.
6. Salcombe Frowder Cove
Katy Marriott-Payne and Felicity Thompson’s home-bred stallion secure both restricted championships and a London place after winning the Dartmoor breed class.
7. Lantau Supernova
Jodie Haywood and her own Welsh section C stallion ensure they’re on the London bus after taking pole position in their semi-final qualifier.
8. Addingham Gabi
Francesca Wall is in the saddle of Sarah Dowson’s Shetland as the pair win the RIHS mini championship.
9. Rowfantina Orlando Bloom
James Burchell rides the home-bred Welsh section A, a former RIHS mini champion, to lift a competitive novice ridden championship.
10. Thorngate Crusader
The novice mini working hunter pony title falls to Claire Evans’ Welsh section C and Caitlin Evans.
11. Strathleven Achiltibuie
Emma Burrow rides Sarah Gemmell’s Highland pony to win the novice worker crown, as Sarah had her 133cm winner, Geordans Oliver, through to the championship.
12. Menai George
Hannah Turnock praises her Welsh section C stallion who tops the breed’s London qualifier.
13. Hilltop Ned
The New Forest stallion and Rebecca Penny trot to the breed’s London qualifier.
14. Castle Kestrel
The Connemara breed qualifier is headed by Lucy Glover and Amanda Sharman’s stallion.
15. Bergli Dreamwatcher
Ella Freeman and the Shetland pony impress the judges en route to the overall mini supreme.
16. Dukeshill Pearly Spencer
Victoria Harker has the Welsh section A right on song to book a London place.
17. Latijn V D Helling
The Shetland stallion, who is owned by Claire Connor, and rider Aliya Khan are top of the Shetland breed qualifier.
18. Greenholme Knight
Terry Clynes wins the Fell pony London qualifier to give the stallion his first visit to the final.
19. Steppers Relight My Fire
The Welsh section D wins the London breed qualifier under Aimee Devane for owner Lisa O’Rourke.
20. Nipna Invictus
The Dales gelding tops both the junior ridden championship and Dales London qualifier with Caitlin Hamilton.
21. Lovelyhill Folklore
After winning the open working hunter pony championship, Vikki Smith and Penny Sutton’s New Forest stallion go through the card to take the overall supreme of show accolade.
22. Warrenmere Woodcock
Elizabeth Etchells and Mary Rose Bryant’s dual 2022 breed show supreme champion score the London Exmoor qualifier.
22. Waxwing Persia
Emma Burrow’s fantastic week at Arena UK is capped when the Welsh section B stallion books his first trip to London International.
23. Harris Of Mendick
The Highland stallion secures the Highland London qualifier with Brian Williams, who is riding for Aileen Curle.
24. Settvalley The Mistress
Alice Hartenfeld steers the lead rein contender to the mini novice championship, led by mother Katherine Bowling-Hartenfeld.
25. Islyn Arafa Don
Helen Summer’s Welsh section A takes the open Heritage mini worker title with Francesca Summers.
26. Inverin Paddy
The Pretty Polly championship, and an early 2023 RIHS pass, goes to Lucy Heygate and her own Connemara.
27. Loughmore Rebel
Steph Peto’s Connemara stallion takes the novice Heritage crown.
28. Gwynfaes Cynan Wledig
The Welsh section D lifts the restricted working hunter title with Catherine Hudson.
29. Lady Dublin Of Corderry
Ruby Ward rides Angela Hunt’s Connemara to the Heritage performance honour.
30. Briar Puzzle
Alexia Lilley and Amy Southworth’s Shetland pony trot to the tiny tots lead rein class and section title.
31. Melau Aramis
Lauren Brill enjoys a win in the Welsh section A/B London semi-final aboard Sam Walker’s Welsh section B, a HOYS winner earlier this month with Evie Walker.
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