He’s got a sweet tooth and enjoys watching a comedy, but don’t ever offer him a cup of tea or coffee. Leading showman Robert Walker reveals 11 of his favourite things.
Tack cleaning or mucking out?
“It depends who mucked out before me and whether the boxes are easy to do, but I prefer mucking out over tack cleaning any day.”
Tea or coffee?
“I don’t drink warm drinks. When I was a little boy my dad would have so many cups a day and I would wonder how he could drink the stuff.”
Mares or geldings?
“At the risk of a thick ear I’d say geldings because ladies are a little more argumentative when you ask them to do something.”
Beach holiday or city break?
“A beach holiday with a few water sports thrown in, so a bit of relaxation but also something to keep me active and my mind occupied. I couldn’t sit all day doing nothing.”
Continued below…

20 signs you’re an incurable showing addict
Summer or winter?
“Everyone likes the warm on their backs, so the summer is pleasurable as far as the weather. But winter means the start of hunting season, so I like winter.”
Favourite food?
“My wife would say anything that’s sugary and sweet — I have far too much of a sweet tooth. But I’m very fond of Chinese takeaways.”
Favourite drink?
“After a busy day, a pint of lager.”
Favourite TV programme?
“Probably Sky Sports News. I’m a killer for any type of sport, especially transfer time in football — I like to be nosey and know what’s going on in the transfer market.
Adrenalin junkie or quiet life?
“A bit of both. Everyone likes the adrenalin rush and excitement of competition, but I also like to sit down at night, watch the kids play and watch TV.”
Comedy or thriller?
“Comedy — anything that makes me smile.”
Favourite car?
“I like 4x4s because I like to be nosey and look over hedgerows. I think it’s from when I was in the mastership — it was nice to see to see what was planted in the fields. So probably a Range Rover, top of the range. I’m not fussy if anyone wants to give me one.”
Don’t miss the full interview with Robert Walker in the current issue of Horse & Hound magazine (24 September 2015)