Are you an up-and-coming young event rider who would love to win £500-worth of cross-country training, a year’s free TopSpec feed balancer, sponsor’s jacket, rugs and numnahs, plus expert nutritional advice?
If the answer is yes, then Eventing magazine wants to hear from you because TopSpec Equine and Eventing magazine have joined forces to find the TopSpec eventing scholar of 2003.
The scholarship package
The lucky competitor who becomes TopSpec eventing scholar of 2003 will receive:
- A supply of TopSpec feed balancer for two horses for 12 months, worth more than £700
- £500 to be spent on cross-country training
- A TopSpec scholarship jacket, two numnahs and two rugs
- A visit from TopSpec’s senior nutritionist to access the winner’s horses and formulate an appropriate feeding programme
- a hotline number to TopSpec’s senior nutritionist for immediate and experienced practical advice on feeding and horse management
How to apply
Applicants should send a CV, a 500-word essay outlining their plans for the next two years and why they would like to win the TopSpec scholarship and the entry coupon from the April issue of Eventing magazine, OUT NOW, to:
TopSpecScholarship, Eventing, Room 2005, King’s Reach Tower, Stamford Street, London, SE1 9LS.
The closing date for entries is 14 April. For full rules, terms and conditions see the April issue of Eventing magazine.
For more information about TopSpec products, or for free nutritional advice, contact (tel: 0870 240 6596)