There’s a reason dogs are known as “a man’s best friend”. One of the best things about becoming a dog owner is the bond and companionship you share with your new four-legged friend – but how do you know if your dog loves you?
Apart from the frantic tail wagging, body shaking, barking, and spinning, there are several other little signs you can look out for that will tell you that your dog totally adores you.
10 signs that your dog loves you
1. They love to lick you
Did you know that if your dog licks you it is a sign of affection? Ear licking in particular is a sign of deep affection. Dogs do it to one another and it’s common in packs of dogs – or even pairs. Licking is a sign that your dog loves, cares for and respects you. However, if your dog starts obsessively licking you, this can be a sign of anxiety in dogs as they are licking to soothe themselves and release calming endorphins.
2. They choose you
I can guarantee that if my mastiff, Neville, had to choose between a piece of steak from a stranger and walking away with me, he would choose me every day of the week. This is a sign that your dog is totally bonded to you, no matter the distraction or temptation.
3. No one else matters
One time, my husband walked into a room I was in after being away on business for three weeks. When he walked in, not one of my mastiffs even looked up. I think Gloria may have thumped her tail once or twice in acknowledgment, but that’s all he got. I felt rather sorry for him because when I got up to leave the room so did they!
4. They know the sound of your car
Honestly, they do. When I pull into the driveway, all the dogs are at the door barking and wagging their tails (or, in Neville’s case, he’s howling like a wolf). If anybody else pulls in the drive and they stay wherever they are – snoring.
5. They give you eye contact
This can be confusing sometimes in various aspects of behaviour and situations, but one-on-one eye contact with you is a sign of affection. A dog that loves you will just gaze at you lovingly.
6. They lean on you
Or like to sit on you. It is the canine form of cuddling.
7. They follow you around the house
Following you around the house – not obsessively as that is a sign of separation anxiety – and wanting to be where you are is fairly normal for a dog that loves the company of their owner.
8. They bring you gifts
They fetching you their favourite toys or things that they are attached to. In my case, my dogs love to bring me something of mine.
9. They get excited when they hear your name
Or they interact when you talk to them. Everyone always asks me to make Neville do his “Chewbacca noise”. All I have to say is “Do you love mummy?” and off he goes in fluent Wookiee.
10. They want to sleep next to you
Either on the sofa or, better still, next to you in bed. The mastiffs generally sleep downstairs as a rule of thumb, but when they sleep with me it’s similar to the maternal affection they had from their mother, and for you it releases oxytocin. I fall asleep so much quicker when the dogs are laid next to me in bed. I sleep better, too, unless Neville squashes me by accident.
How can you improve your bond with your dog?
Play, that’s how. The most powerful bonding takes place during playful interaction with your dog. Whether it’s throwing a ball or messing around together and pretending to stalk your dog before giving chase and watching them get the zoomies with excitement, nothing works better than having fun with your dog and enjoying that time together. Training comes into this category, too. Some dogs love to please and learn at the same time, so it’s a double winner if they get to do both with you.
I’m a big one for walking with my dogs both on and off the lead. It builds trust, it’s bonding time and you are close to each other. I often see people walking their dogs with their heads stuck in their phones. I find this terribly sad. The poor dog must be lonely and has to entertain themselves. If you spend the whole walk looking at phone, it suggests that walking with your dog is a chore and boring. It is not. It should be a relaxing time in which you are enjoying your dog’s company, getting exercise and fresh air and, hopefully, enjoying the views around you.
Give your dog structure, comfort them when they’re afraid and listen to what your dog is trying to express. You may love going to a busy town for a coffee, but your dog may not. Avoid putting them in negative situations for your enjoyment and they’ll stop seeing you as their safe person.
Give them space when they need it, too – we do not want someone in our personal zone 24/7 and neither do most dogs. Make sure they have a warm and comfortable area to live and sleep in. Be their safe person – we think of dogs as guarding us, but we too must protect them.
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