The foxhound is the epitome of English sport in the field. Developed in England in the late 16th century, the foxhound was selectively bred for its exceptional hunting abilities, in packs, to pursue and scent foxes. They now hunt trails and artificial laid scents. It has always been a pack hound, and different hunts have developed their own identifiable “type” over decades, refining their own packs to suit their country. Fellhound lines and Welsh blood have been infused into many English packs to develop certain attributes, such as athleticism, nose, drive or cry.
“Foxhounds – like all hounds – are wonderful animals and by far the most important element of hunting,” says H&H hunting editor Catherine Austen. “They are kind, fantastically intelligent and love attention. They have been carefully bred for several hundred years, and the Foxhound Kennel Stud Book is said to be ‘purer’ than that of the thoroughbred. To watch them work on the hunting field is one of the great joys of rural life.”
The foxhound umbrella covers a few varieties. The English foxhound comes in two types: modern and old English. There are very few full old English packs in the UK. There are also some in Ireland. The old English is known for its toughness and dogged determination; the modern English hound is typically lighter in frame and faster. There is also the Welsh foxhound, which is very similar to the English, but with a wiry, woolly coat. Hillhounds and fellhounds are also types of English Foxhound, used for hunting in hillier, more mountainous areas such as the Lake District and Northumberland. They are again finer and lighter in frame and are known for their speed and durability over long distances.
American Foxhounds are very similar, being a cousin descending from British ancestry. The American foxhound was bred in Virginia and Maryland, using English foxhounds with some French hound blood. They tend to be slightly leggier, with a lighter frame than the English. There are a number of different types of foxhounds hunting in the US, including the Penn-Marydel, July and Walker, all of whom have different characteristics.
The breed is characterised by a well-proportioned, muscular body, a straight back, and a long, slender tail carried high. It is a large-sized breed known for its strength, stamina, and agility. The English foxhound’s head is broad, with a well-defined stop, large, expressive eyes, and hanging ears. The breed’s short, dense coat comes in various colour combinations.

The beautiful head of an English Foxhound
Foxhound dog breed: fact file
Kennel Club breed group: hound
Size: large
Daily exercise: more than two hours
Coat: short, shedding
Colours: 19 varieties of colour, such as badger pied, lemon and white mottle and tricolour. Eyes are hazel or brown.
Lifespan: more than 12 years
Bark: very vocal. Their bark is termed “voice” and is deep, singing and melodious
History: hound breeding goes back to the 16th century, although the furthest back an individual hound can be traced through the generations is 1743 (59 generations in total), according to the Beaufort. They have been bred for the sole purpose of hunting the fox, although since 2005 this is now a trail, the emphasis remains on nose, stamina and character.
Distinctive features: powerful, well-balanced and athletic.
Temperament: friendly and keen, never aggressive.
Things to consider: offering your services as a puppy walker if you have the time, patience and experience. Find out what puppy walking entails to see if it’s something you could do.
Training: not a natural domestic pet, as these hounds have been bred and reared to work in packs, where they are brilliantly trainable.

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Find out what breed your dog is with this kit that gives you everything you need to collect your dogs DNA and send it off. Includes a pre-paid envelope if you’re in the UK.
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