Everyone knows a “moody mare” – whether their hormones are causing them to be difficult to handle, ride or train, or are interfering with a broodmare’s natural breeding cycle, it can present a real challenge. But this is something that the best supplements for moody mares can often help with.
The length of a mare’s natural breeding season varies, but it typically starts around March/April each year, so early spring is a great time to begin supplementing to encourage regularity, reduce unpredictability and support more consistent behaviour, which will in turn lead to improved performance and a happier horse. Most hormonal supplements for mares are made of a combination of a range of herbs that are known for their regulating and calming properties.
If you compete with your horse then it is important you make sure any supplements you use do not contain any prohibited substances.
Supplements for moody mares: what are your options?
Here is a selection of the best supplements for moody mares that are currently available, including the manufacturers’ descriptions of their products…
NB: Cost per day has been calculated using the maintenance measure for a 500kg horse in light work (where there was variation) and the RRP of the smallest available tub. Some products require you to feed more in certain situations or a loading dose, which will increase the cost per daily measure, while buying a larger tub will likely decrease it – these costs per day are a guide only.
Dodson & Horrell Stroppy Mare
Form: Powder
Sizes: 1kg, 2.5kg, 5kg
RRP: £18.78 for 1kg
Daily measure: 23g
Cost per day: £0.44
A comforting blend for a hormonal mare that includes herbs that support hormonal function and the reproductive system, as well as having calming properties.
In the UK? View now at amazon.co.uk, viovet.co.uk or gsequestrian.co.uk
NAF Five Star Oestress
Form: Liquid
Sizes: 1l, 2l, 5l
RRP: £29.99 for 1l
Daily measure: 25–50ml
Cost per day: £0.75–1.50
This supplement compliments the natural oestrus cycle by encouraging regularity and supporting hormone balance. Also available as a powder.
In the UK? View now at amazon.co.uk, viovet.co.uk, gsequestrian.co.uk or naylors.com
Equine Products UK Mood Balancer
Form: Liquid
Sizes: 1l
RRP: £26.99
Daily measure: 30ml
Cost per day: £0.81
Designed to maintain normal behaviour and temperament so that performance doesn’t suffer.
In the UK? View now at equineproducts-ukltd.com or amazon.co.uk
Global Herbs FriskyMare Plus
Form: Powder
Sizes: 1kg, 5kg
RRP: £38.10 for 1kg
Daily measure: 22g
Cost per day: £0.96
A mix of traditional calming herbs that help manage the behaviours and comfort of cycling mares, reducing unpredictability and aggression caused by hormone levels.
In the UK? View now at viovet.co.uk, gsequestrian.co.uk or oakfield-direct.co.uk
Lincoln Herbs Hormonal
Form: Powder
Sizes: 1kg
RRP: £32.50
Daily measure: 32g
Cost per day: £1.04
Herbal supplement formulated to support the physical and emotional changes that occur around oestrus to promote calmness and improve focus and performance.
In the UK? View now at amazon.co.uk, viovet.co.uk or gsequestrian.co.uk
Equine America No More Moods
Form: Liquid
Sizes: 1l
RRP: £46.50
Daily measure: 15ml
Cost per day: £0.70
This supplement contains micronutrients that help to balance hormones, contribute to relieving muscle tension and support a calm mare.
In the UK? View now at equine-america.co.uk, amazon.co.uk, viovet.co.uk or gsequestrian.co.uk
EquiNutritive Moody Madam
Form: Powder
Sizes: 1kg, 3kg, 17kg
RRP: £45.99 for 1kg
Daily measure: 30g
Cost per day: £1.38
This natural mare supplement is a carefully cultivated mix of seven dried herbs combined to maintain hormone balance and support your mare through her season.
In the UK? View now at amazon.co.uk
Science Supplements HormonAid
Form: Powder
Sizes: 1.55kg
RRP: £44.99
Daily measure: 51g
Cost per day: £1.19
Designed to work alongside the natural cycle of the mare, this supplement helps to relieve tension and support a more amenable demeanour. It contains vitex agnus-castus extract, which helps to ease transitions through the oestrus cycle, selected herbs that encourage a stable mood, vitamins that promote a good mental attitude and magnesium, which helps to ease hormone associated muscle cramps or tenderness.
In the UK? View now at viovet.co.uk or gsequestrian.co.uk
Omega Agnus Castus
Form: Powder
Sizes: 1kg, 3kg
RRP: £14.99 for 1kg
Daily measure: 30g
Cost per day: £0.45
Agnus castus is linked to supporting a healthy pituitary gland and endocrine system. This allows horses to healthily self-regulate their metabolism, growth, reproductive system and response to stress. It’s also a powerful antioxidant that containing compounds that ease stress and low mood.
In the UK? View now at viovet.co.uk or gsequestrian.co.uk
Hilton Herbs Easy Mare Gold
Form: Liquid
Sizes: 1l, 3l, 5l
RRP: £32.20 for 1l
Daily measure: 25ml
Cost per day: £0.81
This supplement contains medical grade herbs selected to help support a balanced hormonal system and offer mares comfort during their seasons.
In the UK? View now at amazon.co.uk, viovet.co.uk or gsequestrian.co.uk
Cavalor Venus
Form: Liquid
Sizes: 500ml, 2l
RRP: £45 for 500ml
Daily measure: 20ml
Cost per day: £1.80
A herbal extract that supports the hormonal balance in sensitive and moody mares by helping to regulate the hormonal cycle.
In the UK? View now at viovet.co.uk
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