Tessa Waugh
Tessa Waugh is a countryside journalist and a regular contributor to both Country Life and sister title Horse & Hound.
Hedge hopping: 9 ways to get to the other side in one piece
Competition horses who thrived in their new life with a huntsman *H&H Plus*
The childhood dream: how to make the most of your days with ponies *H&H Plus*
Meet Badminton’s administrator: mammoth jobs, having a sense of humour and looking forward to 2022 *H&H Plus*
Meet the hunting farrier who is heading to his third Olympics *H&H Plus*
It’s all in a day’s work for an equine portrait photographer... *H&H Plus*
Dale Wesley on his blend of patience and lunacy, and dealing with equine divas in his work as a portrait photographer for our four-legged partners...
Andrew Cook’s key learnings from 30 years’ hunting: ‘Always trust your hounds’ *H&H Plus*
As Andrew Cook prepares to step down from a 30-year career with hounds, he talks about his experiences and what he has learnt
Super-safe ‘super-ponies’ — hunting’s gold-dust conveyances *H&H Plus*
Why Iberian horses are booming in Britain more than ever *H&H Plus*
Mike Felton: the legendary MFH with a twinkle in his eye *H&H Plus*
All in a day’s work: the bridleless rider, Shuna Mardon *H&H Plus*
All in a day’s work: Meet hunter livery yard owner Nicky Chalk *H&H Plus*
Nicky Chalk on busy Saturdays, old-fashioned values and accidental horse-swapping
Goodnight – Tessa Waugh’s hunting diary: ‘Hellfire in the pony ranks’ *H&H Plus*
Never trust a pony’s sweet and fluffy exterior, remembers Tessa Waugh, as her peaceful post-hack cup of tea is disturbed by wild antics in the paddock and a diminutive culprit
Goodnight – Tessa Waugh’s hunting diary: ‘Autumn dawn magic’ *H&H Plus*
Tessa Waugh succeeds in numbing her unease over the creeping lockdown restrictions in the best way possible – an idyllic early morning’s autumn hunting and a happy woodland hack
Goodnight – Tessa Waugh’s hunting diary: The September mission
Goodnight – Tessa Waugh’s hunting diary: ‘Handy pony turns circus star’ *H&H Plus*
Complacency turns to terror as Tessa Waugh is left clinging to the reins of a rearing pony while her six-year-old gamely hangs on – before withdrawing from the ensuing handy pony class
Goodnight – Tessa Waugh’s hunting diary: ‘Farewell to summer’ *H&H Plus*
As summer ebbs away, Tessa Waugh starts getting her hunter back in gear and cherishes the memories of this year’s homespun version of Pony Club camp, complete with sweets, plaiting and exhaustion
Goodnight – Tessa Waugh’s hunting diary: ‘The ties of community’ *H&H Plus*
Tessa Waugh takes solace in hunting’s community spirit and the pared-down puppy shows going ahead, as she enjoys watching one of last summer’s fluffy incumbents picking up a prize
Goodnight – Tessa Waugh’s hunting diary: Airbnb in the city, anyone? *H&H Plus*
Summer holidays in times gone by are a far cry from children’s experiences today, laments Tessa Waugh, as holidaying urbanites bear down on the Northumberland countryside