Pippa Cuckson
Freelance journalist
Formerly Horse & Hound’s first female deputy editor, Pippa is an award-winning journalist who in recent years has actively campaigned to raise awareness of the welfare concerns within the sport of endurance in order to drive change. She has written extensively on the topic for a number of titles including H&H, with her stories picked up by international publications around the world including the Wall Street Journal, Le Monde and Berliner Zeitung.
During her 21 years on the H&H staff rota, Pippa sub-edited every sector of the magazine, including a stint as news editor, before being promoted to the role of assistant editor and then deputy editor. She was also an active reporter, covering Olympic Games, European championships and the last stand-alone word eventing championship, at Gawler, South Australia, in 1986.
Pippa’s campaigning journalism has twice been recognised by her peer-group: the International Alliance of Equestrian Journalists Bureau Award for an outstanding contribution to the global horse industry, and the British Equestrian Writers Association Liz Dudden Trophy, for outstanding services to equestrianism.
In August 2018, the leading French magazine Grand Prix featured Pippa in its special issue about the 50 “most influential” people in global equestrian sport.
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Riders warned against using dry ice for cooling horses after video goes viral
The horse’s treatment was not a form of prohibited cryotherapy
US international endurance rides in chaos as bodies split
The lead body's stand has backfired as US riders have been left with the prospect of no FEI rides on home soil
FEI uses emergency powers to improve care of seriously injured endurance horses
The rule change is designed to promote transparency and remove the incentives to prolong an injured horse’s suffering
Outcry after horse breaks leg in ride caught on video
The distressing footage of alleged cheating and abuse has been sent to the FEI by campaigners
Chaotic early scenes during World Equestrian Games 160km endurance ride
An unprecedented decision has been made to re-start the ride due to competitors being directed the wrong way by officials soon after the start
Rogue rider slipped through checks to join international endurance ride in Britain *H&H VIP*
Administrative blunders led to ineligible novice rider taking part in a 160km FEI ride at Euston Park
#TBT to eventing at Wylye three-day event
For eventing fans, the British Eventing calendar is well inscribed on our memory: a familiar schedule that sees us through from March to October. But wind back the decades and the calendar and plum dates had very different occupants...
Blast from the past: do you remember the iconic dressage at Goodwood?
This week’s issue of Horse & Hound magazine (11 January 2017) is dedicated to nostalgia: those great idols of yesteryear as well as those shows that no longer exist, but hold a special place in our memories
Outcry after horse suffers broken leg in Bahrain endurance ride: FEI investigation finds no cover-up
An FEI investigation has found that the death of the horse was correctly identified in the official results, although the ride was not under its jurisdiction
British authorities take action to 'change mindset' in endurance
'We hope this will ensure a safe sport in which the welfare of the horses is paramount'
FEI finds 'no malpractice' after body of fatally injured endurance horse 'lost' *H&H VIP*
Event organisers must now arrange strict procedures for transporting equine fatalities to autopsy
Two endurance horses put down during 90km FEI ride
An international 90km endurance ride in Fontainebleau, France, has been overshadowed by the death of two horses
Showjumper fined after tribunal finds horse abuse occurred
The dealer has been fined 2,000 Swiss francs by the FEI
Was fatally injured endurance horse found at livestock crematorium?
The FEI has ordered an investigation into allegations that Ajayeb, who broke her leg during the World Championships, was not taken directly to a lab for an autopsy
Ukraine showjumping mogul denies corruption allegations ahead of Rio
Recent developments are giving Ireland hope that it could field a showjumping team at the Rio Olympics
Unrest over new Euston endurance rides *H&H VIP*
Former Endurance GB chairman Karen Collier said she felt the BEF had 'made the wrong — and a bad — decision in the current climate'.
FEI suspends officials over GCL *H&H VIP*
Two officials have been suspended by the FEI for taking part in the Global Champions League
FEI and riders in deadlock over three-rider Olympic team plans
The FEI and riders have been debating planned changes to the Olympic format, but little progress has been made
Olympic champion speaks out over Agenda 2020 jumping proposals
Steve Guerdat has spoken 'from the heart' against the FEI's proposals to change the Olympic format for showjumping