Madeleine Silver
Former features editor
A graduate from Durham University, Madeleine joined H&H in 2011 and became Features Editor — producing content across the magazine and website, including the popular inside back cover article ‘The horse that made me’ and the weekly ‘The best of my fun…’ interview. She has written on topics as diverse as hay making and headcams, to hot totty in the horse world and circus horses. Madeleine now works as a freelance feature writer for Country Life, The Telegraph, Horse & Hound, cntraveller.com, The Spectator and The Field, as well as writing obituaries for The Times.
How to buy your ideal all-rounder
9 things that only happen to horse owners
18 expert tips for success on competition day
13 useful tips to help horses cope with fireworks
Struggling with nerves? Boost your confidence and enjoy riding again with these helpful tips
11 signs you were a horsey child in the 90s
Horse & Hound’s 140th anniversary legends: High And Mighty — the dun dual Badminton winner who was almost fed to lions
16 things that only people with horses know about snow
A beginner’s guide to trail hunting: all your key questions answered
15 of the greatest horse quotes of all time (from Churchill to Shakespeare)
‘Watch riders that you admire’ — plus 6 more top tips from dressage riders
Personal accident insurance for riders: what it is and why you might need it
What is loss of use insurance for horses and how does it work?
9 reasons your (unhorsey) dad deserves a medal this Father’s Day
From the Badminton Horse Trials archives: watch when Mary King won her first title in 1992
10 reasons we wish we were off to Pony Club camp this summer
40 horsey things to do before you die
H&H’s 12 days of fitness: Aching after your ride? Try these Pilates exercises for horse riders
Blast from the past: 50 photos of Carl Hester to celebrate his birthday