Pure-bred in-hand female (C Jamar Demeersseman) y’ling filly jnr.— 1 & jnr female ch, M Hickford’s AJA Carina; 2, Richmoind & Beckley’s Virginia AM; 3, P Atkinson’s Wirajjaa. snr.— 1 & res jnr female, T Aggad’s ROE Layall; 2, M Walsh’s Makisa Rosabella; 3, P Hannay’s Angelika. 2-y-o filly.— 1, M Hickfor’s AJA Estrella; 2, S George’s Amber Djewel; 3, M Ashmore’s MA Could It Be Magic. 3-y-o filly.— 1, A Atkin’s Annia EA; 2, A Southworth’s Misteeqa; 3,J Currey’s Muranbas Byzantina. b’mare.— 1, J Lowe’s ESS First Lady; 2, M Waring’s Pristeena; 3, E Knight’s Isis Bint Nahidd. foal.— 1, M Bint; 2, E Knight’s Cleopatra. barren mare.— 1 & snr female ch, C Ratcliffe’s CR Jasmeenah; 2 & res, D Smith’s VDV Vandalosia; 3, H Brown’s Gloriana. male (M Tengstedt) y’ling colt jnr.— 1, M Wragg’s Mirv; 2, D Greenwood’s Nightfire P Kabboo; 3, P Weir’s Psaravin. snr.— 1 & jnr male ch, M Hickford’s AJA Hassan; 2, D Smith’s Grand Design; 3, B Boreham’s Psensationally Sky. 2-y-o colt.— 1 & res jnr male, J Lowe’s Macho De Alpes; 2, S George’s SG Imagine; 3, Hunt & Pyrah’s Judals Oasis. 3-y-o colt.— 1, S Murphy’s Shamael Apal; 2, A Atkin’s Pikasso; 3, A Holmes’s Classic Design. jnr geld.— 1 & ch, D Mitchell’s Rasputin PA; 2, A Bethell’s Macarena LA; 3, W Thomas’s Ruuqah. snr.— 1 & res, A Southworth’s HT Nyrobi; 2, C Vincenot Norman; 3, K Pearson’s Enrique. stallion jnr.— 1 & snr male ch, Atkinson & Wragg’s Psadisho Ibn Esstashan; 2, S Richard’s Texas Magic; 3, D Monckton’s AJA Bijan. snr.— 1 & res snr male, P Horwell’s AH Kuda; 2, Curtis & Singh’s Ferrari; 3, Anderson & George’s Jullyus JJ. Crabbet (S Little).— 1, O’Rourke & Peck’s Silvern Moonlight; 2, F Leng’s Autumn Dew; 3, R Bertram’s Marcus Aurelius. amateur in-hand.— 1, C Hackley’s Elegance By Design; 2, S Taylor’s Bint Amaretta; 3, G Rose’s Zyta. Anglo/part-bred.— 1, A Holmes’s Xiviers Sinatra; 2, P Morris’s Charlie Highgwayman; 3, S Smalley’s Primos Gemini Jewel. coloured.— 1, J McEwen’s Tereakie Colour By Design; 2, L Morgan’s Enchanted Eternal Moon. veteran.— 1, D Dew’s Fayrelands Hawaiian Dawn; 2, S Smalley’s Primos Gemini Jewel; 3, S Bramhall’s Benazir. palomino in-hand (G Colbourne) y’ling.— 1, A Pelc’s Bordersley Golden Iman; 2, P Norris’s Bordesley Golden Zoraida; 3, Z Atkinson’s Llethru Ddu Sunshine. 2/3-y-o.— 1 & ch, D Jones’s Louraise Golden Ludo; 2, S Norris’s Bordesley Golden Legend. 4-y-o & over.— 1 & res, D Coldicot’s Roundhills Vision Of Gold; 2, D Drew’s Springtime Fabulous; 3, W Jones’ Sunny Sunshine. Anglo/part-bred in-hand (S Little) y’ling.— 1 & res female, Y Selby’s Archwood Mystique; 2, Enchanted Eternal Moon; 3, J Bates’s Hallesaire. 2/3-y-o.— 1 & fem ch. Selby & Williams’s Archwood Jitterbug; 2, Bedford & Harding’s Stemar Classic Gold; 3, S Durell’s Ajax. mare 4-y-o & over.— 1, Primos Gemini Jewel; 2, J Vallentin’s Towerlanze Diamond Cluster; 3,V Nelson’s Silvern Sentiment. foal.— 1, D Coldicott’s Bridgegates Never Forgotten. geld 4-y-o & over.— 1, A Gregg’s Roodlebatts Scoundrel; 2, F Welles’s Podolian Farys; 3, P Pouch’s Pau Jacq Murphys Muddle. stallion.— 1 & male ch, S Dales’s Apache Sky. vet.— 1, A Boyle’s Brimblemere Valiant; 2, S Smalley’s Primos Gemini Jewel; 3, Fayrelands Hawaiian Dawn. pure-bred ridden (M Rankine) HOYS stallion.— 1, J Peck’s Dervativ Gwyddion; 2, S George’s Bolaero; 3, S Wrigglesworth’s Plumbum. jnr geld.— 1 & ch, E Harrison’s Azure Bay; 2, L Maryon’s All Power; 3, L Biles’ Fferzan. snr geld.— 1, A Le’Vell’s OAS Vallantino; 2, J Turner’s Hazar Afsana; 3, Wilkinson & Froggatt’s Darker Shade Of Gray. mare.— 1, I Gray’s Shaarinah; 2 & res. Silvern Moonlight; 3, S Murphy’s Crystal Ora Sheen. amat rider.— 1, Roodlebats Scoundrel; 2, S Hazeldine’s Insprirational; 3,Springtime Fabulous. national YR.— 1, O Hollingworth; 2, M Wallace; 3, R Sidebottom. ridden Anglo/part-bred (A Hooley) 153cm.— 1 & ch, C’Est La Vie; 2 & res, D Bullock’s Clinwill Royal Serenade. exc 153cm.— 1, Roodlebats Scoundrel; 2, D Theobald’s Highlander; 3, V Nelson’s Silvan Sentiment. nov.— 1, S Griggiths’s Telynau The Real McCoy; 2, Podolian Farys; 3, Apache Sky. pure-bred geld.— 1, C Chappell’s Malik Ibn Rossali; 2, G Ayub’s Shavento; 3, S Turpin’s Tylands Larc. stallion.— 1, Gamlin & Matthew’s Erald; 2, Dahzik; 3, Rees & Melia’s Mukhar Ibn Eternity. mare.— 1 & ch, Silvern Moonlight; 2 & res, Hughes & Carden’s Miss Debutante; 3, S George’s SG Desstiny.