R&R Country’s Newhay haylage offers quality nutrition
If you are having problems finding consistently good quality haylage, then R & R Country’s new Ryegrass haylage may be the answer.
Newhay is grown and harvested near Selby, North Yorkshire and consists of 100% selected ryegrass providing a high quality dust-free haylage. The manufacturers also claim that nutritionally, it provides long digestible fibre, which has a higher nutritional content than hay.
Newhay can be stored outside and will remain vermin-free, helpful if storage is a problem.
One 25kg bale is sufficient to feed a 500kg horse for three to four days – once opened a bale will last for up to seven days.
Cost around £4.25 per bale (although discounts can be given on bulk orders)
Contact R & R Country (tel: 01757 638555)